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如果是,它就可能有新闻价值。If so, that could make it newsworthy.

我觉得这个问题更有新闻价值。I believe that will be more newsworthy.

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那么,是什么因素决定一件事有足够的新闻价值而得到刊登或播放呢?So what makes a story newsworthy enough to be published or broadcast?

事实上,这就是这些案例变得有新闻价值并得到如此多关注的原因。In fact, that's precisely why they're newsworthy and get so many mentions.

通常它并不光辉夺目或者具有新闻价值,但它始终存在。Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy but it's always there.

目前的几百人和几个破碎的窗户是不具有那么大的新闻价值的。So far a few hundred people and a few broken windows isn't all that newsworthy.

骨髓是干细胞的来源,并使得这一过程有报导价值。The bone marrow was the source of the stem cells that made the procedure newsworthy.

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新闻选择是整个新闻活动中重要的一环,它受到诸多而复杂的因素的制约。Communication subject choosing newsworthy facts is the key to form a news repot finally.

收集你和员工们有新闻价值的信息,交给当地的媒体报道。Get some newsworthy information about yourself or your staff, and hand it to the local media.

——通过采访、调查或观察收集和分析具有新闻价值的事实。Collect and analyze facts about newsworthy events by interview, investigation, or observation.

第一夫人的出访,以及她们从事的事业和活动,在美国具有新闻价值。The first ladies’ travels, their causes, and activities are newsworthy events in the United States.

后继报道常常能反映出比即时报道更有新闻价值的令人意想不到的发展。Follow-ups often lead to surprising developments that are even more newsworthy than the original report.

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新闻工作者面临的挑战在于,如何知道法院是否认可一项具体事实具有新闻价值。The challenge for any journalist is to determine whether a court would deem a particular fact newsworthy.

虽说这些不像最新的医疗技术突破那样有报道价值,但这可能对你的健康有更重要的意义。That's not nearly as newsworthy as the latest medical breakthrough, but it's probably more relevant to your health.

Caruso说,近期的地震由于发生在人口稠密地区,提升了地震新闻报道价值。What has made the recent earthquakes newsworthy is that the earthquakes have hit near populated areas, says Caruso.

其次,要学会利用媒体炒作。收集你和员工们有新闻价值的信息,交给当地的媒体报道。Learn to make use of media hype. Get some newsworthy information about yourself or your staff, and hand it to the local media.

如果出版商能够证明其报道的内容具有新闻价值,那么大多数隐私侵权诉案将遭到拒绝。Most invasion of privacy suits will be rejected if the publisher can demonstrate that the subject of its story was newsworthy.

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虽然新闻对百科全书是有用的资料来源,大部分新闻并不值得自己的条目。While news coverage can be useful source material for encyclopedic topics, most newsworthy events do not qualify for inclusion.

如今,海法大学的研究人员发现政客长得好,会被视为更具新闻价值。Now, University of Haifa researchers have found that, if you’re a politician, good looks will also make you seem more newsworthy.

媒体对有新闻价值的案件大肆报道,以致挑选一个没有偏见的陪审团有时要花费几个星期甚至几个月的时间。Media coverage of newsworthy cases has become so pervasive that picking an untainted jury can take weeks or sometimes even months.