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这是后话。This was the latter.

他们选择了后者。They chose the latter.

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后面那一组仍是lat。The latter is, still lat.

我本人非常喜欢后者。I highly favor the latter.

那我就学后半部分。I'll learn the latter half.

后者同意她的话。The latter agreed with her.

有时借笔生花更具成效。Sometimes the latter is better.

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将Holum承担后者?Would Holum take on the latter?

但是它总是废弃后者。But it always annuls the latter.

林散之是后一类的书法大家。Lin Sanzhi was one of the latter.

我认为很大程度上是后者。I think it was largely the latter.

这篇文章的重点在后者。This article focuses on the latter.

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这时会出现一个子菜单。The latter causes a submenu to appear.

拜斯·哈尔格利姆森便是后者之一。Boas Hallgrimsson is one of the latter.

我就是后面的一组,你可能也是。I was of the latter group. You may be too.

后一种方法会有明缝。The latter method would show topstitching.

就我看采,我同意后者的意见。As for me, I agree with the latter opinion.

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后面这一点是一种常见的误解。The latter point is a common misconception.

后者往往提供了整理重印。The latter often provides a glossier finish.

我们承诺将帮助他们化敌为友。We are committed to help them do the latter.