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阆风盆地地区的这种解决方案正是体现这种原则的完美范例。The Levant Basin Province is a perfect model for this principle in operation.

他在黎凡特领导针对法兰克人和其他欧洲十字军的伊斯兰反抗力量。He led Islamic opposition to the Franks and other European Crusaders in the Levant.

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此外,最近黎凡特的冲突也可能会影响对该地区的信心。Moreover, the recent conflict in the Levant may also dampen confidence in the region.

累范特宗教还强调“自我”与“他人”之区分——“自我”就是那优选的民族。Levant religions also require a division of us -vs- them, "us" being the chosen group.

地中海东部模式,而低姿态颗粒外观,应该是最容易清扫。The Levant pattern, which has a low-profile grained appearance, should be the easiest to sweep.

验结果表明,南欧蒜平均单头鲜重及平均单薹鲜重显著高于苍山蒜和苏联蒜。The single bolt weight of Levant garlic was significantly higher than Cang Shan garlic's and Soviet garlic's.

人力资源管理因其所处文化维度之不同应采取相应的思路、方式。Human resource management should be excuted in re levant ways and methods according to its cultural dimensions.

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比如从尼罗河上游黎巴嫩进口香柏木,铜可能来自赛普勒斯,金子、铁、锡和葡萄酒则来自黎凡特和小亚细亚。Up the nile came cedar wood from lebanon copper--probe by from cyprus--gold iron tin and wine from the levant and asia minor.

这次他们谈的是一笔大生意,即要在一艘船上装载土耳其地毯,勒旺绒布和克什米尔毛织品。This time it was a great matter that was under discussion connected with a vessel laden with turkey carpets stuffs of the levant and cashmeres.

结合文献对本病的病因、发生、临床特点、诊断及鉴别诊断进行分析讨论。The etiological factors, histogenesis, clinical characterizations, diagnosis and different diagnosis were discussed along with the re levant references.

是阆风艺术画廊追求的理念,也是选择艺术家和艺术作品的原则。希望每一件作品都能成为生活中朝夕相处的元素,实践艺术的价值。"Living with Art" is the mission of Levant Art Gallery since its founding, and this also explains how Levant Art Gallery handpicks artists and art works.

随后英国联军占领了耶路撒冷,奥斯曼帝国失去了对伊斯兰教最神圣的地区的控制,例如黎凡特或者阿拉伯半岛。This brought about the British-led capture of Jerusalem and the collapse of Ottoman dominion over Islam's holiest places, whether in the Levant or Arabia.

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私人公司自己往往能解决政府谎称要解决的问题。阆风盆地地区的这种解决方案正是体现这种原则的完美范例。Private enterprise, left alone, solves the problems government pretends to help. The Levant Basin Province is a perfect model for this principle in operation.

这类镶嵌技术最初始于义大利北部,15世纪后期至16世纪期间,主要产于威尼斯,以及地中海东部附近诸岛地区。Azzimina was made in northern Italy, notably in Venice, and the Levant from the late 15th century to the 16th century. It is sometimes confused with damascening.

当亚述王以撒汉顿打算控制这条木材贸易线时,塔哈卡派出军队到累凡特的南面,以支持反对亚述人的抵抗力量。When the Assyrian king Esarhaddon sought to clamp down on this trade artery, Taharqa sent troops to the southern Levant to support a revolt against the Assyrian.

他们认为伊斯兰教最早很可能是从黎凡特那些持不同教义的基督教教派里转化而来的,而并非如穆斯林的传统历史所教授的那样“诞生自阿拉伯”。In their view, Islam is more likely to have emerged from dissident Christian sects in the Levant than to have “burst out of Arabia”, as the Muslim version of sacred history teaches.

阆风同欧洲及拉丁美洲资深画廊、艺术经纪人、策展人合作,并拥有数位中国独家代理的当代艺术家。Levant is the sole agency of several well-known European artists in China. And has partnereed with top art galleries, art dealers and exhibition organizers in Europe and Latin America.

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地中海东部地区的考古学纪元认为是MB1或者是中间的EB-MB的交替时期是他们最著名的入侵时期。In unison with the decline of the Sumerian language in Mesopotamia, the Levant archeological era known alternately as either MB1 or Intermediate EB-MB was the time of their most famous incursions.