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他们对飞机的搜寻是毫无结果的。Their search for the plane is fruitless.

这是一场关于先天遗传与后天环境的无果辩论。This is a fruitless nature-nurture debate.

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但是招募的努力无果而终。But recruiting efforts have been fruitless.

读书再多,倘不应用,就是一朵不结果实的花蕾。To read more, if not used, it is a fruitless bud.

在与公司商谈无果后,他拒绝了这份工作。After fruitless negotiations, he turned down the job.

训练可能是不舒服,后果严重的,而且最后可能没有结果。The training might be uncomfortable, gross, and fruitless.

很多人似乎意识到找到新工作的历程将是漫长的,很可能无果而返。Many seemed resigned to a long and perhaps fruitless search.

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搜索几个月后无果而终,他的母亲找到了Kroll。After months of fruitless searching, his mother turned to Kroll.

经过几个月毫无结果的寻找,他的母亲转向克罗尔。After months of fruitless searching, his mother turned to Kroll.

又过了半个钟头,他们的搜索仍然毫无结果。Another half an hour passed, and the pursuit was still fruitless.

奥巴马先生为解决住房市场问题忙活了大半天,怕是要竹篮打水一场空了。Mr Obama's hunt for a fix for the housing market may be a fruitless one.

因为那样的撤退在前,最终的无果的外交努力在后。That withdrawal was preceded by years of ultimately fruitless diplomacy.

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当时人口迁移的特点是流量大,流向是无效的往返流动。The number was large. 2. It is a fruitless returned population migration.

交付不包含关键功能的应用系统是没有意义的。Delivering an application without its key functionality would be fruitless.

我曾经两次试图获得去英国的签证,她甚至还资助我,但是最后都是徒劳。I tried twice to get the UK visa and she even sponsored me but it was fruitless.

这就意味着,与挑战博弈,往往效果不佳,令人沮丧。This means that wrestling with a challenge is usually fruitless and frustrating.

却说玄德访孔明两次不遇,欲再往访之。Despite his 2 fruitless visits, Liu Xuande resolved to pay another call on Kongming.

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此争论永不会有结果,因为它是不可解答的。This is a debate that will forever and forever be fruitless because it's unanswerable.

因为这张地图最北面是匈牙利,我决定不要让他再无效寻找了。As the map went no further north than Hungary, I decided to save him a fruitless search.

房间是如此的寂静无声,能听到仿声鸟不断地在不结果实的桑树林争论。The room was so still I could hear mockingbirds quarreling in the fruitless mulberry trees.