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做一个绅士。Be a gentleman.

那位男士吗Gentleman here?

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后面的男士Gentleman back here.

他是一个正人君子。He is a true gentleman.

君子斗数。The gentleman Dou counts.

一位男宾又是一位生客!A gentleman and a stranger!

他表面看上去是个正人君子。He looks as if a gentleman.

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他不太算是正人君子。He's not quite a gentleman.

她向绅士行屈膝礼。She dipped to the gentleman.

为何不能接秦晋之好?。Why can't be your gentleman?

君子坦荡荡。A gentleman is calm and poised.

君子坦荡荡。A gentleman is open and poised.

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他是一位脾气乖戾的老先生。He was a bilious old gentleman.

绅士应该值得信赖A gentleman must be trustworthy.

每位绅士都会这么做的。Any gentleman would do the same.

莲,花之君子者也。Lin, who also spent a gentleman.

绅士生而是之,并非学而为之。A gentleman is, rather than does.

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呵呵,很高兴认识你哈!Gentleman Jz , nice to meet you !

他看上去完全是正人君子。He looked every inch a gentleman.

他出生并被教养成绅士。He was born and bred a gentleman.