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尽管国民党并不这样认为。Even the KMT balks at that.

一九四七年以后,战争开始对国民党不利。After 1947, the war began to go against KMT.

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苏贞昌不会再国民党的大本营台北胜选。Mr Su is unlikely to win in Taipei, a KMT stronghold.

国民党政府继续对美国政府施加压力。The KMT government continued to put pressure on the USG.

国共两党持久战略效果之比较。The comparison of lasting strategic effects of CPC and KMT.

国共两党持久战略效果之比较。IV. The comparison of lasting strategic effects of CPC and KMT.

国民党的造谣部队几乎立刻就开始发猋。Almost immediately the KMT rumor machine slipped into overdrive.

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国民党想要现状——不独不统。The KMT wants the status quo – no independence and no unification.

国民党主席马英九说,陈水扁应该倾听民众的呼声。KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou said Chen should listen to the protesters.

他并没有做哪些被指控的事情,完全是被国民党设下了句。He nay have done what was said but he was railroaded by the KMT Party.

没几天,就与国民党飞机干了一仗,击伤了1架F-84喷气式飞机。Not days, and the KMT did pretend aircraft, the one damaged F-84 jets.

这一切使它对中美关系发挥了很不相称的巨大影响…中美合作所的基本方针是帮助国民党准备内战。SACO's essential policy had been to help prepare the KMT for civil war.

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国民党空军连日召开紧急会议,部署空防。Air Force days of the KMT held an emergency meeting to deploy air defense.

从1940年开始到1941年,国民党统治区爆发了一场空前规模的粮食危机。Form 1940 to 1941 a large scale of grain crisis broke in the KMT rule area.

邝的例子,显然也没给国民党太多启示。Clearly Kwong's example failed to inspire self-introspection within the KMT.

1928年,中国国民党开始做“以党治国”方面的工作。In 1928, KMT started the work of "governing the country by political parties".

没想到在西安关卡被国民党扣留,关押在西安感化院。I did not expect to be detained by the KMT in Xi'an, held in Xi'an reformatory.

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赵英雄得到了马主席的嘉奖,决定加入国民党的队伍。Zhao Yingxiong got the commendation of chairman Ma, decided to join the KMT team.

蓝绿都互控对方公然施暴并要求道歉。Both the KMT and DPP accused each other of public violence and demanded apologies.

国共两党达成一致共同抵抗日本侵略者。CPC and KMT arrived at an agreement to counterattack the Japanese invaders together.