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他把他的杂货店关闭了。He shut his grocery.

我们喜欢杂货店。We love grocery stores.

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把杂货账单加起来。Add up the grocery bills.

饿肚子不去食品店。Never grocery shop hungry.

我在一个副食品店里帮忙。I assisted in a grocery store.

这是那些懒惰的食杂店的错。It's those lazy grocery stores.

到杂货店我步行了一英里。I walk a mile to the grocery store.

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上个月他开了一爿杂货铺。He opened a grocery store last month.

顺着这条路一直走,去食品店。Up the road a bit, the grocery store.

大型的连锁店有一个大问题。Big grocery chains have a big problem.

加入社区农场或杂货鸡舍。Join a community farm or grocery coop.

他是一家杂货铺的店东。He's the proprietor of a grocery store.

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我们在最近的一家食品杂货店里买米。We buy our rice at the nearest grocery.

食品杂货店被刷成红黄相间的颜色。The grocery was laced with red and yellow.

我们最好尽快去食杂店购物。We'd better go grocery shopping pretty soon.

她母亲开始经营一家小杂货店。Her mother began operation of a small grocery.

约翰每周六在杂货店做店员。John clerks in the grocery store on Saturdays.

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那个杂货店既卖面包,也卖黄油。Both bread and butter are sold in that grocery.

在杂货店可以买到干燥的细香葱。Dried chive is available in all grocery stores.

我们在最近的一家食品杂货店里买米。GROCERY】We buy our rice at the nearest grocery.