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对上学校车的孩子们,挥手示意。Wave at kids on school busses.

他提及,目前他的学校使用的是最先进的校车。They really use state-of-the-art school busses.

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我发现﹐公交车收拾得比地铁干净。I find the busses are kept cleaner than the subway.

汽车、火车、飞机和公交车也需要能量。Automobile trains planes and busses need energy too.

带宽经常跟网络和计算机总线联系在一起。A term often associated with networks or computer busses.

例如,卡车和公交车就非常适合这类运输。For example, trucks and busses are well suited for these purposes.

一般公共汽车上啊、列车上,人们的举止文明在不同程度上都有所改观。Generally in busses and trains I think that people’s manners have improved in many ways.

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穿过奥运村有一条很长的街,公共汽车会把你带到任何地方。There was a long street along the village, with busses ready to take you to any part of it.

再谈到旅游车,在我们的这个楼层,有一个混乱的,吵闹的,令人反感的韩国旅游团。Re the Tour busses. We had a group of obnoxious, loud and unmannered Korean guests on our floor.

事故卡车和公共汽车越来越多的普通司机被迫工作越来越多小时。Accidents caused by trucks and busses are more and more common as drivers are forced to work more and more hours.

此外,他们还有意购买500-1000辆公共车和500辆垃圾清运车到伊朗,由政府买单。Furthermore they want to purchase 500-1.000 busses to Iran and 500 pcs waste collecting trucks. All is paid by the govt.

在嵌入式数字信号处理系统中,可通过降低系统总线的变化率来减少系统功耗。In DSP systems, large power saving can be achieved through reduction of the transition activity of the on and off chip busses.

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事实上就在城里商业区最繁盛的地方,我们开始用钩镰在密茂的森林中开辟道路。In fact , in the very thick of busses part of the town , we commenced cutting our way with billhooks through the dense forest.

由于数据总线上的持续负载比较重,因此数据总线比地址总线对调整更加敏感。Data busses are much more sensitive to adjustments as these lines are consistently more heavily loaded than the address busses.

EDA则被当作一种特殊的活动,它包括低延时总线,提供复杂的、近似实时事件处理能力。EDA has been painted as a specialized activity involving low-latency busses and the like to support complex near real-time events.

据认为杰妮坚称喇嘛不会被交易。这个夏天,巴斯一家在寻求最终答案的同时注定又要饱受非议。Jeanie Buss supposedly insists that Odom is safe, but the Busses are moving through another summer of discontent, looking for an answer.

幸好许多人不信这个愚蠢的说法,否则,今天我们就不可能驾车、坐大巴和乘飞机了。Thank goodness a few people didn't believe that silly thinking, or we wouldn't be riding in cars, busses , and flying on airplanes today.

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似乎没人关心德国国有铁路大口吞食英国铁路和伦敦双层巴士。Nobody seemed too bother about the state owned Germanrailway taking over a big slice of the UK rail franchise and London doubledecker busses.

2010年9月8号科罗拉多州博得县金山下,科罗拉多山农场夏令营的废墟旁停靠的烧焦的校车。School busses sit charred amidst the ruins of the Colorado Mountain Ranch summer camp on September 8, 2010 at Gold Hill near Boulder, Colorado.

这个主意很流行,其它地方的人们知道以后,在6年里,伦敦,巴黎,波尔多和里昂纷纷有了公交车The idea was so popular that people in other places heard about it and within 6 years busses were set up in London, Paris, Bordeaux, and Lyons.