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她把她的过去一五一十地告诉了他。She told him the gory details of her past.

她把她的过去一五一十地告诉了他。E. g. she told him the gory details of her past.

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同样的,可怕的细节都在手册页中。As always, the gory details are in the manual page.

如果已经太晚了,我们很乐意听到的细节。If it's too late, we would love to hear the gory details.

我也会提供一些有精彩的关于事件处理程序的细节的文章。I will also provide pages with the gory details of event handling.

让身边的可怜人“分享”血淋淋的细节实在不公。Sharing gory details is totally unfair to the poor people around you.

埃里克克,我制定了血淋淋的细节在未来几个星期。Eric Schenk and I worked out the gory details over the next few weeks.

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由于有点太过血腥,“时空杀手”在很多街机厅都被撤掉。Time Killers was removed from many arcades for being just a little too gory.

我期望别人会嫌恶,但是每个人都想知道血淋淋的细节。I expect people to be grossed out, but everyone wants to know the gory details.

所以,我真的不知道根据这些条件下的化学过程的具体细节如何。So I don't really know the gory details of how the chemistry plays out under those.

在这安静的地方,怎么横放着这两柄无主的血污的刀剑?What mean these masterless and gory swords to lie discolour'd by this place of peace?

运动委员会管理着拳击执照,还要确保场面不会太血腥。Athletic commissions regulate boxing licenses and make sure things don’t get too gory.

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要获得模块管理的细节,源代码本身就是最佳的文档。For the gory details of module management, the best documentation is the source itself.

让读者如临其境的这个故事,穿插了生动鲜明、甚至是血淋淋的细节。Taking the reader into the action, the story is shot through with vivid, even gory detail.

你可以简单地迷住孩子和胶水到他们的座位,叙述一个血淋淋的吸血鬼故事。You can simply enthrall children and glue them to their seats by narrating a gory vampire story.

尽管日益迅猛增长的中产阶级钟情于这种血腥的郊游,然而他们对猫狗这样的宠物却十分爱怜。But a fast-growing middle class, despite enjoying gory outings, is also fond of pet dogs and cats.

他的办公室就像一个糟糕的电影设置,种一些地方开始独轮电影获得真正血淋淋。His office was like a bad movie set, the kind of place where some slasher flick starts to get really gory.

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有消息来源说,烟草业宣称,在它们的包装上使用血淋淋的图片成本太高了。Sources say the tobacco industry claimed that it was too cost-intensive to use gory images in their packaging.

啊,但这是戏剧性的可食用血液,看起来血淋淋的,但是素食主义者可以吃,没有健康风险。Ah, but this was theatrical edible blood, which looks gory but can be eaten by vegetarians, with no health risk.

影片中的高潮是一幕“血河”场景,发生在一家电影院正在上映的另一部血腥的战争影片,这样正好有力地说明了上述观点。The blood-drenched climactic scene, which takes place in a cinema showing another gory war movie, rather supports that view.