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马迪麦吉希是一个有抱负的记者。Maddy McGehee is an aspiring reporter.

沃伦除了做间谍,还是个充满抱负的作家。Warren is an aspiring author as well as a spy.

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你对那些有抱负的作词家有什么建议吗?What advice do you have for aspiring songwriters?

我的室友当中,法兰西斯是非常有上进心的演员。One of my roommates, Francis, is an aspiring actor.

这些充满了抱负的黄金矿主在当地有很多可以学习的榜样。Aspiring gold moguls have numerous local role models.

这些胸怀大志的演员勇于接受各样的挑战。These aspiring actors dare to take on many challenges.

当地市场和交易展览会上到处都是各怀抱负的品牌。Local markets and trade fairs are awash in aspiring brands.

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大卫是个胸怀大志的编剧,也是我最信赖的朋友。David was an aspiring screenwriter and my most reliable friend.

那家伙25岁左右,是个野心勃勃的演员兼酒保。The guy was an aspiring actor and bartender in his mid-twenties.

作为一名有理想的青年创业者,我从这些态度中受益。As an aspiring young entrepreneur, I benefited from these attitudes.

事实上,我是个有抱负的化学家,又是部队中的一名常备兵。In fact, I was an aspiring chemist and a regular soldier in the army.

常言说,有抱负的青年运动员在学校里不应该颓丧。That said, aspiring junior sportspeople at school should not despair.

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我怀念在他慵懒的外表之下,引人入胜的比赛。I'll miss his hugely aspiring game. cloaked in that lazybones demeanor.

雄心勃勃的牌手常常讨论他们赢了多少手牌,又输了多少手。Aspiring poker players often talk about how many hands they won or lost.

这些都是树立在我们这些踌躇满志的南部年轻作家面前的偶像。These were the iconic figures held up to us aspiring young southern writers.

根据皇马主席的话,“我们渴望建成一直新的球队。According to the Madridista President, "We are aspiring to build a new team."

作为一个有抱负的记者,您必须解决的神秘先生被谋杀·博迪。As an aspiring journalist, you must solve the mysterious murder of Mr. Boddy.

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胸怀大志的斗牛士们在很小的时候就学会了斗牛的艺术性以及技巧性。Aspiring matadors learn the art and techniques of bullfighting early in life.

如果你是一个有抱负的吸血杀手那么布菲就是一个极好的偶像。If you are an aspiring Vampire Slayer than Buffy is an extremely good figure.

作为一个满怀大志的简约主义者,我喜欢扔掉我认为“多余的”东西。As an aspiring minimalist, I love to get rid of anything I think of as ‘extra’.