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很少的韩国人知道三个一组的前外一周半跳和三个后内结环一周跳的差别。Few South Koreans know the difference between a triple axel and a triple salchow.

很少的韩国人知道三个一组的前外一周半跳和三个后内结环一周跳的差别。Few South Koreans know the difference between a triple axel and a triple salchow . But they wanted Ms.

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阿克塞尔得知自己获得诺贝尔奖后帮助她清空了旧金山的公寓。Axel was helping her clear out her apartment in San Francisco when he heard he had won the Nobel Prize.

阿克塞尔得知自己获得诺贝尔奖后帮助她清空了旧金山的公寓。Dr. Axel was helping her clear out her apartment in San Francisco when he heard he had won the Nobel Prize.

阿克塞尔博士致力于嗅觉信息在大脑皮层内的处理,这是人脑和鼠脑的最高等级研究。Dr. Axel works on how olfactory information is handled in the cortex, the highest level of human and mouse brains.

了解蛔虫的嗅觉后,巴格曼博士与同样研究嗅觉的理查德·阿克塞尔坠入了爱河。While working out the worm’s sense of smell, Dr. Bargmann fell in love with another olfactory researcher, Richard Axel.

利物浦和AC米兰欲展开对比利时中场好手阿克塞尔·维瑟尔的争夺之战,目前这名球员正效力于标准列日队。Liverpool and AC Milan are in a battle to sign the Belgian midfielder Axel Wistel who currently plays for Standard Liege.

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了解蛔虫的嗅觉后,巴格曼博士与同样研究嗅觉的理查德·阿克塞尔坠入了爱河。While working out the worm's sense of smell, Dr. Bargmann fell in love with another olfactory researcher, Richard Axel. Dr.

阿克塞尔博士在哥伦比亚大学工作,她可以在洛克菲勒大学找到职位与他在纽约会合。Axel works at Columbia University, and she was able to join him in New York by finding a place at Rockefeller University. Dr.

德国波恩大学的研究人员阿克塞尔·诺斯纳吉尔表示,这个差别对于研究气候变化是至关重要的。Dr Axel Nothnagel, a German researcher from the University of Bonn says the difference is crucial in studying climate change.

阿克塞尔博士在哥伦比亚大学工作,她可以在洛克菲勒大学找到职位与他在纽约会合。Dr. Axel works at Columbia University, and she was able to join him in New York by finding a place at Rockefeller University.

德国央行行长韦伯今晨的演讲没有给有关欧洲央行撤出策略的争辩带来任何新鲜的东西。A speech this morning by Germany's Bundesbank president Axel Weber didn't add anything else to the debate about the ECB's exit strategy.

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欧洲中央银行委员会委员韦伯表示,在必要的情况下,欧盟各成员国政府可以提高欧盟领导的援助基金的规模,从而恢复欧元的信心。ECB council member Axel Weber said governments can increase the size of the EU-led bailout fund if necessary to restore confidence in the euro.

这所驾驶学校是由2003年一名47岁的德东陆军士兵海德所创立,现在他已经不存在了,他说他一辈子都很迷坦克。It was founded in 2003 by a former soldier in the now defunct East German army, Axel Heyde, 47, who said he has been obsessed with tanks all his life.

去年像阿克塞尔·斯普林格一样拥有上佳表现的欧洲报业没有几家,2009的情况会更糟。Few European publishers performed as well as Axel Springer last year, and even it has warned that 2009 will be much harder as recession takes its toll.

上周五,在欧洲央行管理委员会委员韦伯表示,欧洲央行应延长其宽松货币政策立场后,对欧元的支撑进一步减弱.Euro support dwindled further on Friday after European Central Bank Governing Council member Axel Weber said the ECB should extend its loose monetary stance.

瑞士的资产负债表仍然比欧元区邻国的状况要好,并且一些投资者认为,瑞士央行最终可能难以击败那些因恐惧而买入瑞士法郎的投资者。Switzerland's balance sheet is still much better than its euro-zone neighbors, and some investors, like Axel Merk, chief investment officer at Palo Alto, Calif.

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我们也将关注加拿大央行的卡尼、澳洲联储的史蒂文斯、欧洲央行的梅尔施斯塔克、汤普古格罗、韦伯、美联储的布拉德以及英国央行的亚当波森今天的公开讲话。We also have a lot of speeches today with BOC's Carney, RBA's Stevens, ECB's Mersch, Stark, Tumpel-Gugerell, Axel Weber, Fed's Bullard and BOE's Adam Posen today.

奥巴马的最高顾问阿克赛尔罗德表示,支持共和党的利益团体正在利用“美国十字路口”等“超级政治行动委员会”把手伸进选举中。" Obama's top adviser, said Axel Rohde, a Republican interest groups are using "American Crossroads" and "super political action committee" reached into the election.

德拉吉的个人资历广受尊敬,自两个月前德国的韦伯退出角逐后,德拉吉在接任一事上进展加快。Yet his personal credentials are widely respected and his candidacy has gathered momentum since former Bundesbank president Axel Weber withdrew from the race two months ago.