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野鸭飞落在水池。Ducks lit on the pond.

这支烟点着了。The cigarette was lit.

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火光烛天。The blaze lit up the sky.

我们燃起了一堆堆篝火。We had lit many bonfires.

他给烟斗装上烟,然后点着。He filled and lit his pipe.

苍蝇偶尔在你身上耍玩。The fly that lit upon thee.

这个生手的眼睛都亮了。The greenhorn's eyes lit up.

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他们的儿子阿牛烧火。Their son Aniu lit the fire.

舞厅突然亮了起来。The ballroom suddenly lit up.

火光映射出残忍的现场。Fires lit up a diabolic scene.

我向前望那亮起的蜡烛。I look ahead at my lit candles.

如果你上火了,请喝王老吉!If you lit up, drink Wanglaoji!

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孩子们狼吞虎咽地进食。The children lit into the food.

她点燃了一根火柴,真美啊!She lit a match, it was so nice!

然而,灯光并未熄灭。The lights, however, remain lit.

他卷了一支香烟点着了。He rolled a cigarette and lit up.

幸福使她春风满面。Her face was lit up by happiness.

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忽然,包公的眼睛亮了起来。Suddenly, Lord Bao's eyes lit up.

房子点燃油灯来照明的。The house was lit with oil lamps.

她看见他们时两眼一亮。Her eyes lit up when she saw them.