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这是这位女士的反驳。This is the Lady's retort.

这番话激起了一个少将的反驳。That prompted a retort from Rear Adm.

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蒸汽从曲颈瓶里出来通入容器。Vapors pass over from a retort into a receiver.

对持不同看法的同志进行了辩难。Hence the retort of those who have different views.

“不,不不不,”卡佩罗反驳到“不像皮尔洛,威尔谢尔太年轻了。”"No, no, no, no," came Capello's retort."Not like Pirlo.

结果表明,该工艺生产的高温蒸煮袋质量较优。The result showed that the quality of retort pouch is excellent.

这句回答惹恼了嘉莉。她自己已经为此生了一天的闷气。This retort angered Carrie. She had had a dreary day of it herself.

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对此有一个明显反驳,但使用之前要三思而行。There is an obvious retort to this, but one should be wary about making it.

葫芦岛锌厂为竖罐蒸馏法生产金属锌的冶炼厂。Zinc metal is produced by the vertical retort process at the Huludao Zinc Plant.

这是杰克母亲惯常对他的一句回驳,也是教会他直面现实的第一课。It was a common retort from Jack's mother, and his first lesson in facing reality.

当你的另一半讲话的时候,要听进去,不要去想着你下一轮的反驳。Tune in to your partner when they talk instead of thinking about your next retort.

分析学家只能回嘴说几何的证明是笨拙而不优美的。The analysts could retort only that the geometric proofs were clumsy and inelegant.

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神创论者抗议说,科学家头脑封闭,对他们的证据视而不见。Creationists retort that a closed-minded scientific communityrejects their evidence.

他就此闭上了嘴,回去看报了,但是这句反驳的话刺痛了他的心。He shut up after this, and went in to his paper, but the retort rankled in his mind.

从现在到演出结束,荷娜都得跟瑞厚在一起,但这次荷娜没有反驳。From now to the end of the show, she have to with red thick, but the Dutch na no retort.

玛丽·路站起来,拾起她的书走了,没有流一滴眼泪,也没有反击。Mary Lou got up, gathered her books and—without a tear shed or retort given—off she went.

有一天,他的妈妈对他忍无可忍,在气头上错骂他小狗崽子。One day his mother was mad at him and made the mistake of calling him a puppy. His retort

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莉莉转过来瞪着他们,正准备反驳,可接下来的事情让她呆住了。Lily turned towards them, her eyes flashing, a retort ready on her lips, but what she saw stopped her.

反堕胎者说这仍是一个巨大的数字,2005年报告就有820000人合法堕胎。Pro-lifers retort that this is still a huge number. Some 820,000 legal abortions were reported in 2005.

“来历不明就是最好的证据。”云雀干脆地打断了自家首领毫无说服力的反驳。Coming from who-knows-where is the best proof. " Hibari broke the clan-leader's unconvincing retort simply."