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我看它真的是红红的一片!What a vast expanse of red!

我们有大片的耕地。We have a vast expanse of cultivable land.

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还有那儿,简直是一望无际啊。And over there, it's an endless vast expanse.

茫茫水中渚,上有一孤墩。Vast expanse of the water bank, on a lonely pier.

这么大一片海子!该不会是二道海吧?Such a vast expanse of water! Isn't this Erdaohai Lake?

浩瀚无垠的大海上,升起一轮皎洁的明月,照耀苍穹…。The vast expanse of sea, a bright moon rising, shining sky.

三刀断喜欢跟清楚明白的后颈背打交道。Three-Chop liked a clear expanse of neck with which to work.

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广大的低洼地带便是恒河平原。This vast expanse of lowland is known as the Gangetic Plains.

白茫茫一片,就像翩翩然不知所以。Was a vast expanse of whiteness as PianPianRan didn't know so.

整个骨架都有如一个如同沙漠般广袤巨大、欣欣向荣的绿洲。The skeleton was a thriving oasis in a vast, desertlike expanse.

那面长长的,油漆过的砖墙上,挤满了层层叠叠的名字和日期。Names and dates fight for space on the long, painted brick expanse.

他忽略了土地,这仍然是一个白茫茫。He overlooked the land, which was still a vast expanse of whiteness.

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在这片辽阔的土地上,到处都有明媚的风光。On this vast expanse of earth, Everywhere there is gorgeous scenery.

那里同广阔的天地一样,也发生着同样的奇迹。All the same miracles happened right there as even in a huge expanse.

但和广阔无垠的天空相比,降落伞看起来是沧海一粟。But against the vast expanse of the sky, the chute looked very small.

月已凝华,星云指引,雾茫茫。Moonlight dews, nebula indicates the direction in the expanse of fog.

这些人裸露出来的大片白肉,使他们看上去象一群白化病患者。The expanse of white flesh made them look like a gathering of albinos.

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万里无云的天空下,它是一片充满流沙的灼热区域。It is a blazing hot expanse of rolling sand dunes under a cloudless sky.

半神人们在无生命的苍天之上四处巡视,他们并不在意你们。Demigods patrol the lifeless expanse above, and they don't care about you.

十年前,该地是一大片停车场以及未充分利用的库房。A decade ago, the site was an expanse of car lots and underused warehouses.