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一个蓝色的行进小鼓。A Blue Marching Snare Drum.

她被诱入陷阱。She was betrayed into a snare.

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小军鼓和钹是打击乐器。Snare drums and cymbals are traps.

警察诱他落网。The policemen decoyed him into a snare.

我感觉象是掉进陷井的兔子。I feel like a rabbit taken in the snare.

圈套适应胃结肠有蒂息肉。Snare is suitable for the polyp with stem.

她一心要攀住一个有钱的丈夫。Her one thought was to snare a rich husband.

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一个典型的军鼓直径为14英寸。A typical diameter for snare drums is 14 inches.

事奉他们的偶像,这就成了自己的网罗。They worshiped their idols, which became a snare to them.

地上的居民哪,恐惧,陷坑,网罗,都临近你。Terror and pit and snare await you, O people of the earth.

梵天被诱捕到五种元素的陷阱里,他哭泣着。Brahman weeps, entrapped in the snare of the five elements.

她以无限的耐心准备把我网罗住,捆住我的手脚。With infinite patience she prepared to snare me and bind me.

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鹰隼未击,罗网不得张于皋。Hawks and falcons was not hit, a snare shall not Zhang Yugao.

在用顶麦和底麦录制军鼓时的标准设置。Typical setup when miking the top and bottom of a snare drum.

谁又能置信,比尔太太的背后是一个又一个罪恶的魔窟。Who can believe, bill of Mrs. Another is behind sinful snare.

巴兹.鲁赫曼是最近一位跌入罗网的导演。Baz Luhrmann is the latest director to come circling the snare.

厂陷阱陷阱,减慢敌人运动,而且攻击速度。Plants Snare Traps, which slows enemy movement and attack speed.

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接着,它用力抓住那个陷阱使劲摇晃。He then grasped the snare with his hands and vigorously shook it.

这个鼓手的特点是军鼓的声音很紧,鼓点清晰。The drummer had a pretty tight snare sound, and nice articulation.

若没有机槛,雀鸟岂能陷在网罗里呢。Can a bird fall in a snare upon the earth, where no gin is for him?