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把它水平地压扁。Let's squish it horizontally.

挤椭圆约一半大小。Squish the ellipse to about half the size.

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听着你能不能不要这样压我?Look, could you try not to, like, squish me?

又或者,万一法国人打过来,把我们像葡萄一样压碎了又怎么办Or what if the French come and squish us like grapes?

又或者,万一法国人打过来,把我们像葡萄一样压碎了又怎么办。Or what if the French come and squish us like grapes?

你试图用一个不恰当的图标去展示你的整个概念。You try and squish your concept into an unsuitable diagram type.

你先把肉放进一个大的塑料拉环袋里,然后让孩子把它压碎。Put meat into a large, plastic zip-top bag and let them squish it.

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坚持使用孩子捏在手里会发出叫声的材料是合理的。It makes sense to stick to materials that squish in a child’s hand.

实际上,就算是耶稣基督本人挡住了我的路,我也会和尼采一样,毫不犹豫地像踩死一只虫子一样击倒他。In fact, if Christ himself stood in my way, I like Nietzche, would not hesitate to squish him like a worm.

实际上,就算耶稣基督本人挡住了我的路,我也会和尼采一样,毫不犹豫地像踩死一只虫子一样击倒他。In fact, if Christ himself stood in my way, I, like Nietzsche, wold not hesitate to squish him like a worm.

事实上,即便耶稣基督本人挡住了我的路,我也会和尼采一样,毫不犹豫地像踩死一只虫子一样击倒他。In fact, if Christ himself stood in my way, I, like Nietzsche, would not hesitate to squish him like a worm.

实际上,就算是耶稣基督本人挡住了我的路,我也会和尼采一样,毫不犹豫的像踩死一只虫子一样击倒他。In fact, if christ himself stood in my way, I, like nietzsche, would not hesitate to squish him like a worm.

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当挤压脚底板的时候,水被吸入鸭子形的鞋子内,导致另一端的水喷出来。With a squish of your heel, water sucks into the duck, and another squish ejects the water in a stream of fun.

另一种方法,压点橙汁或者黄瓜汁,然后在你的手心轻敷并拍拍,然后双手互相做一次彻底的按摩。Another way of doing it is to squish orange or cucumber pulp and dab it on your palms, and do a thorough massage.

阀门是聚集在附近的孔中心,以尽量减少燃烧室量,以及提供足够的果酱领域。Valves are clustered near the center of the bore to minimize combustion chamber volume and to provide ample squish area.

微操你的坦克去碾压步兵,如果你的敌人把他们散开,那在移动的时候,它们就不能开火了。Micro your tanks through to squish the infantry, and if your opponent spreads them out, they cannot fire while they move.

通过快速地把它出现的空间压缩到左上角来让元素逐渐变小,最终消失。Squish Squishes the element out of view by quickly compressing it into the upper left hand corner of the space it occupies.

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如果您得对手向您派来步兵,让一两辆隐形坦克处于停火状态,然后用它们容易得辗过这些步兵。If your opponent is throwing infantry at you, put a Stealth Tank or two on hold fire and simply squish them with you Stealth Tanks.

计算表明,挤流和涡流的相互作用将使缸内涡流呈现非对称结构。The computed results show that the in-cylinder flow pattern is not a symmetrical one under the interaction between swirl and squish.

我听到铁钉穿入肉中那令人作呕的声响,而那祭祀首领的长袍让我无法转移视线。I averted my gaze as I heard the revolting squish of another spike sunk into willing flesh. My eyes fell on the robe of the lead cultist.