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他们在幽静的藤架下拥坐在一起。They sit close together in the sequestered pergola.

奥比岛魔法花架外星城堡遗址的种子在哪里?。Is pergola outside star castle ruin seed in Ao Bi Island magic Thenk you?

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在后院栽种了一棵藤本植物,来遮挡强烈的阳光。In the back yard a pergola is constructed to protect against the blazing sun.

绿玉藤可以应用于热带地区的绿化造景中,可将其修剪整形为格架、拱门或凉棚。Jade vine is grown in tropical landscapes, trained to a stout trellis, arch or pergola.

他们靠近一座老旧楼房,爬满藤条的铁架子上面点缀着彩色的玫瑰。They approached an olden building warmed by pastel roses climbing a wrought-iron pergola.

在温暖的晚上,晚餐供应时间是在一个长桌上的烛光下的凉亭露台上。On warm evenings, dinner is served at a long candlelit table under the pergola on the terrace.

新生的枝条还可以盘绕在直立的支柱上,编织到凉棚或者篱笆里。New stems could be coiled around upright supports, woven through a pergola or looped along a fence.

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街道通道设有一个覆盖的凉亭到前门,它可以作为门廊车辆进入车库。The street access features a covered pergola to the front door, which doubles as porte-cochere for cars entering the garage.

跨线桥结构由古铜被做,有绿色古色并且它的形式是一点象眺望台、怪异建筑物或藤架。The structure of flyover is made from bronze which has a green patina and its form is a little like a gazebo folly or pergola.

庭院上面一个美丽的藤架,由柱子支撑,在顶部微微弯曲,就像一朵花。Over the courtyard is a beautiful pergola, the pergola supported by posts, which designed with a slight bend at the top and resemble a flower.

这个空间被半圆形的圆柱绿廊包围,与新的项目理念没有任何联系。The space was surrounded by a semi-circular pergola of round pillars, none of which were related in any way to the concept of the new project.

丝瓜上还未有明显的棱角,头顶黄色的小花儿,仿佛正和藤架下面的小葫芦娃们说着悄悄话儿。There is obviously edge angle in the towel gourd whose one end has small yellow flower seems to whisper with small cucurbits under the pergola.

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凉亭的亭的代表的崛起在香槟的泡沫玻璃,提供了与外部内部的透明度。The pergola of the gloriette represents the rise of the bubbles in a champagne glass, offering a transparency of the interior with the exterior.

备用电池可以保证在PV系统无法供电又停电的情况下基本系统的运行。The PV cells are mounted on a pergola in the garden. A back-up battery ensures the operation of essential services in the event of power failure.

靠近道路最矮的体量与最南端的藤架结合在一起,形成了入口空间,当然它也与其他的各个部分联系在一起。The lowest section near the road is integrated with the southwest pergola that defines the entrance and it also connects all the sections together.

沿绿廊和露天墙体攀爬更能体现它的活力,枝条长长香气馥馥的花枝做切花更是妙不可言。This vigorous rambling rose is perfect for training over a pergola or along an open wall, and the highly fragrant blooms make wonderful cut flowers.

窗户、屋后棚架的板条和各种灯具能够最佳控制透入别墅的光线数量。The window, slats of the pergola at the back of the house, and the various light fixtures enable optimal control of the amount of light that filters into the house.

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冬天的节日灯装饰,创造一个客人户外显示,如果有一个你未来的花园婚礼,你的凉棚将提供一个自然的位置。Decorate with winter holiday lights to create an outdoor show for guests, and if there is a garden wedding in your future, your pergola will provide a natural location.

从街道上的方法,自然坡地地形导游木材凉亭下一个简单的结构一轴木材木板路对面的莫顿湾灰庭院抵达。On approach from the street, the sloping terrain naturally guides an axial timber boardwalk under a simple timber pergola structure arriving in the courtyard opposite the Morton Bay Ash.

温室葡萄采取棚架栽培时整体叶片的叶绿体发育正常,而篱架下部叶片因长期弱光胁迫导致叶绿体结构发生异常变化。The leaf microstructure and chloroplast ultrastructure of grapes cultivated with pergola in greenhouse developed normally, and Its were exceptional cultivated with vertical trellis system.