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我最喜欢的是乌龟。I like turtle the most.

这个乌龟好大!The turtle is very big!

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给大只的乌龟涂色。Color in the big turtle.

乌龟乌龟,走地真慢。Turtle turtle, walk so slow.

我在鱼缸里养了一只乌龟。I keep a turtle in the fishbowl.

龟王买的很好。The Turtle King is selling well.

像不像乌龟的壳?Does it look like a turtle shell?

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第五天,他们抓到了一只海龟。The next day they caught a turtle.

梁上有一只巨龟!There's a giant turtle on the beam!

韩佳,我看到大海龟啦。Han Jia, I've seen a big sea turtle.

他想木龟会证明这一点的。He thought the turtle would approve.

龟得水已,即便走去。Once in water, the turtle swam away.

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红耳龟是一种可爱的动物!Red-eared turtle is a lovely animal!

尔时,彼龟则走近他龟。So he went back to the first turtle.

箱龟是常见的旱乌龟。The box turtle is a common tortoise.

乌龟走得很慢但却走得很稳。The turtle walked slowly but surely.

你最喜欢的忍者神龟是谁?Who was your favourite Ninja Turtle?

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特里能看见那边有只海龟漂来浮去。He could see a turtle floating nearby.

这些龟蛋是被偷去贩售!The Turtle eggs are stolen to be sold.

只有男性首领才可以吃海龟肉。Only male chiefs could eat turtle meat.