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瑞斯寇拉的激进消防演习引起极大讨论。The radicalism of Rescorla's drills cannot be overstated.

苏菲反对激进主义并且帮助提升伊斯兰。Sufism is opposed to radicalism and helps to promote Islam.

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孤立更可能会衍生更多的怨恨和激进主义。Isolation is far more likely to spawn more resentment and radicalism.

戈德温变成政治激进主义者主要是受他的影响。He was a major influence in converting Godwin to political radicalism.

但他思想激化颇慢,就算激进情绪增长,他也是小心翼翼。But he was slow to radicalise, and cautious even as his radicalism grew.

在人人都忙于赚钱的80年代,去上大学是缺少激情的表现。Going to college in the moneymaking eighties lacked a certain radicalism.

我们使用来自SOA的工具和技术,但并非是SOA激进派。We are using the tools and techniques from SOA but no radicalism about it.

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但是许多人争论说对于摩尔的福音激进主义感到惊讶是错误的。But many argue that the astonishment at Moore's gospel radicalism is misplaced.

鲁迅以文化激进主义者的身份重生近十年之久后,中国才开始循着他的足迹慢慢跟上。It took a decade for the rest of China to catch up with Lu Xun's born-again radicalism.

她看到了来自巴拉克·奥巴马政府释放出的激进主义的信号,像环保问题。She sees signs of radicalism in Barack Obama's administration, for example on green issues.

尼日利亚之父“圣诞轰炸机”报告了他的儿子对美国大使可能采取极端手段。The father of the Nigerian “Christmas bomber” reported his son’s radicalism to the U.S. Embassy.

正是在此意义上,后马克思主义的激进政治构成了对传统激进主义的一种全面修改。In this sense, post-Marxist radical politics makes up overall revising of traditional radicalism.

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土耳其的情况表明,现代伊斯兰教政党可以成为对抗激进主义的保障。Turkey’s situation suggests that moderate Islamic parties can act as a bulwark against radicalism.

华盛顿十八世纪的激进主义进化成了二十一世纪的普遍共识。George Washington's eighteenth-century radicalism evolved into the twenty-first century's conventional wisdom.

布莱希特的巨大影响正是来自于该理论鲜明的激进政治色彩。The great impact of Brecht's theory of alienation comes precisely from the political radicalism of his theory.

甘地思想中大胆的激进主义通常都会被他温和普遍的崇敬所掩盖。The audacious radicalism of Gandhi’s ideas is too often lost in the blandly universal reverence his name evokes.

感伤也成为欸包括政治激进主义者在内的人士用来表达非主流观点最喜欢的风格。Sentiment also became a favorite style among those expressing non-mainstream views including political radicalism.

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最糟糕的是,加沙事件已经点燃了伊斯兰激进主义的怒火,不仅是在埃及,而是在整个中东地区。Worst of all, events in Gaza have fanned the flames of Islamist radicalism throughout the region—not least in Egypt.

文化激进主义在中国近代思想文化史上是一个举足轻重的思潮,对中国近代社会的影响深刻而巨大。Cultural radicalism is an influential trend in the history of Modern China ' s culture, whose effect on the society is enormous.

这些教训在今日各国抗击暴力的伊斯兰激进主义和其他形式的恐怖主义时仍有现实意义。These lessons continue to resonate today as nations fight violent Islamic radicalism and other forms of terrorism, he continued.