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从理论上说,或许是这样吧。From theoretic say, maybe so.

第二部分为释明权相关理论研究。Chapter Tw the theoretic study of the interpretation right.

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最后,绘制了应用于实际生产的理论图版。Finally, we protract the theoretic plate for engineers to use.

并在此基础上进行了综合理论分析。On the basis of this, the pursuer make the theoretic analysis.

而作为吴宓等人思想之理论基础者,正是以白壁德为代表的新人文主义。The theoretic foundation of WU Mis theory is the Neo-Humanism.

我们的理论工作必须和革命实践相适应。Our theoretic work must keep pace with our revolutionary practice.

这对正确选择颜料色浆的分散剂具有一定的指导意义。It will provide theoretic basis for correct selection of disperser.

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第二部分生态经济区划的理论框架。The second one is the theoretic frame of eco-economic regionalization.

从而为生产中选用原砂提供了理论依据。Thus, a theoretic dependence is given for selecting sand in production.

最后,论述了陈昌曙科学与技术划界思想的理论价值与实践价值。At length, the author discusses the theoretic and practical value of it.

本课程并非讲述理论测量概率背景知识。This course does not assume a measure- theoretic probability background.

这些关键的理论观点会带来很多有趣的结果。These critical theoretic observations have many interesting consequences.

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提出了一种基于能量分析的人体动力学稳定区域的评价指标。Now the designs of PI-AQM always lack theoretic analysis of stable region.

在本课程中,我将会介绍赛局理论的分析的基本方法。In this course, I will introduce the basic tools of game theoretic analysis.

目前,对其保塑性的分析和研究还没有系统的理论解释。It's hard for them to give any theoretic and systematic analyses or studies.

该研究为预防奶牛乳腺炎提供了理论依据。The study provided theoretic background for the control of dairy cow mastitis.

并且介绍了研制激光显示系统的理论基础,也就是振镜扫描原理。Theory of mirror scan is described forms the theoretic basis of laser display.

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为临床诊断和治疗尿毒症及其血液透析的并发症提供理论依据。To provide theoretic basis for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of uremia.

最后,对全文的论述进行了理论上的总结。At last , it devises the theoretic summarization to the whole-length discussion.

卢曼的系统论及其法理论可以为它提供理论基础。Luhmann's system theory and law theory can provide it with theoretic foundation.