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但那将是一个愚蠢的权宜之计。But that would be crassly expedient.

这样就可以更快地把服务投入市场。This allows for faster, more expedient time-to-market.

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贞雅看着为本人解忧的根秀。Expedient for himself, looking at the root of melancholy show.

无论从短期效果还是长期效果来看,这样做都是有利的。In the short and long run, it will be cost-effective as well as expedient.

总是有些更实际或者有利的事情是我必须做的。There’s always something more practical or expedient I should be working on.

他们以最便利的方法为项目进度收集数据并记录。They collected and logged in the most expedient method for the project schedule.

我想琼斯教授可能会发现旅途中带着像我这样的志愿者对他更有利。I think Professor Jones might find it expedient to bring a volunteer like me on his trip.

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如果书中不尊重这荒谬,那么我们应该知道幻念作为权宜之计溜了进来。If the absurd is not respected in it, we shall know by what expedient illusion enters in.

添加表面活性剂及选择合适的粉磨设备。Additionning surface-active agent and selecting the expedient equipment of the comminution.

没有比这个办法更能使海蒂保持沉默和谨慎了。Better expedient could not have been adopted to secure the silence and discretion of Hetty.

聪明人明白正确的方法和权宜之策是不同的。A thinking person realizes that the right way and the expedient way are not always the same.

这些系统显示了无规则发展,重复式临时修复的符号。These systems show unmistakable signs of unregulated growth, and repeated, expedient repair.

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所有防火安全设备的维修工作将会以最合理的方式完成。All repairs to fire safety equipment will be completed in the most expedient manner possible.

金兰来到智雄的别墅,智雄被贞苑和金兰的因缘大吃一惊。ZhiXiong villa, gold orchid came to court and ZhiXiong be expedient causes gold orchid surprise.

当然,用效用来说明问题是权宜之计,只是为了简化分析起到引导的目的罢了。However, it is expedient to begin with utility,to simplify the analysis for introductory purposes.

根秀在仁顺家左近的酒吧等着仁顺回来,不测遇到了贞雅。The root of RenShun home around in show RenShun back, with bar and other accidents, met expedient.

理想的变革模式是权变模式,在选择适当的改革模式时还需考虑模式抉择代价问题。The ideal innovation mode should be expedient and the cost of decision-making should be well considered.

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该系统具有结构新颖、电路简单和控制方便等优点。The system possess of many excellences , including its novel structure, simple circuit and expedient control.

要解决这一“顽症”,办好让人民满意的教育,必须标本兼治,综合治理。Only by seeking expedient and fundamental solutions and comprehensive administration can this problem be solved.

14这该亚法就是从前向犹太人发议论说一个人替百姓死是有益的那位。Now Caiaphas was he, which gave counsel to the Jews, that it was expedient that one man should die for the people.