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这两个人同舟共济。The two men clubbed together.

所有的学生都集中了起来。All the students have clubbed.

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高尔夫球爱好者联合起来组成俱乐部。The golf enthusiasts clubbed together.

全家人凑钱买了这部小汽车。The family clubbed together to buy the car.

他们用枪托将他打死。They clubbed him to death with their rifles.

他们为贫穷的孩子们募集了一笔资金。They clubbed a fund of money for poor children.

我们共同出钱给他买了一个临别礼物。We clubbed together to buy him a leaving present.

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我们凑钱给老师买了件礼物。We clubbed together to buy our teacher a present.

70多人被用刀戳死、用棍子打死被或踢死。Over 70 were stabbed, clubbed and kicked to death.

他打了一个引跑两圈的全垒打,过了右外场。He clubbed a two-run homer over the right field fence.

乱民凶猛地攻击杀人者,把他们乱棍打死了。The mob fell on the killers and clubbed them to death.

年,科克在夏威夷被当地人以棍棒打死。Cook was clubbed to death by natives in Hawaii in 1779.

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我把头发束成大头棒状用发夹别在头顶上。My hair was clubbed up with pins on the top of my head.

此后在桑伟奇群岛被棒击致死。He was clubbed to death in the Sandwich Islands, now Hawaii.

学生们凑钱给他们的老师买了件礼物。The students clubbed together to buy their teacher a present.

店主被棒球棒打倒在地以后,进了医院。A shopkeeper is in hospital after being clubbed to the ground with a baseball bat.

病猪,在环境不佳的生产房里,会在这种情况下集体死亡。Sick pigs, being underperforming 'production units, ' are clubbed to death on the spot.

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他朝它们的头打去,听到上下颚啪地咬住的声音,还有它们在船底下咬住了鱼使船摇晃的声音。He clubbed at heads and heard the jaws chop and the shaking of the skiff as they took hold below.

在2004年12月的印度洋海啸之后,救援机构聚集在一起回顾他们的努力。AFTER the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004, aid agencies clubbed together to review their efforts.

绿衣观音土曲又叫绿衣小曲,小曲表面绿色真菌是棒曲霉。Green-covering Guanyin Taqu, also named Green-covering Xiaoqu, the green fungoid on its surface was clubbed aspergillus.