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在巴西,220万公顷的土地被占用的牧场。In Brazil, 220 million hectares of land are occupied by pastureland.

出租车客运市场能够在我国的牧区出现与存在,这本身就是一个新的事物。It is a novelty that taxi market can appear and exist in China's pastureland.

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草原文化是现代文明建设的重要资源。Pastureland culture is an important source of modern civilization construction.

草原文化蕴含的精神气质是建设现代文明的强大动力。The spirit in pastureland culture is a powerful driving force for the construction.

规模最大的是安达牧场,年产500多吨。Anda Pastureland has the largest scale among them, and it annually produces over500 tons.

在杜纳耶茨河谷裂口,一个农民在牧场上放羊。如今那里已被好几英尺的水淹没了。A farmer in Poland's Dunajec Breach grazes his sheep on pastureland that is now many feet under water.

当密集的放牧导致新长好的牧草被啃光,让地表土容易被风刮走,沙尘暴就发生了。Dust storms occur when intense grazing strips pastureland of new growth, leaving the topsoil vulnerable to winds.

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他们的世代的努力工作已经把沙漠和荒地变成了绿色的牧场和良田。Their generations of hard work have turned the deserts and barren land into green pastureland and fertile fields.

俄罗斯能源联合企业——俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司的职员就居住在这里。Employees of the Russian energy conglomerate Gazprom have settled here, adjacent to the Nenets' summer pastureland.

综合评价,各年度退牧还草工程区内草地植被生态恢复效果良好。The comprehensive evaluation indicated that restoration effect of enclosed pasture in pastureland rehabilitation areas was quite good.

地震发生在甘肃省定西市,甘肃省是一个一个多山,荒原和牧场的人口2600万的地区。The quake hit near the city of Dingxi in Gansu province, a region of mountains, desert and pastureland with a population of 26 million.

本文介绍了丙纶纺粘法非织造布作为保暖材料在新疆牧区畜牧暖棚上的应用。In the paper, the uses of the spunbonded PP nonwovens as the warmth materials in the livestock sheds on Xinjiang pastureland are introduced.

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在山中薄雾的另一边,我见到了一片可爱的牧草地,还有农场――或曰“农庄”――就在其同名村庄前面的一段肮脏的路上。On the other side of the mountain mist, I came out into lovely pastureland and the fazenda―or estate―up a dirt road just beyond its namesake village.

弘扬草原文化,是建设现代生态文明、物质文明、政治文明、精神文明的需要。Carrying forward the pastureland culture is the requirement for the construction of modern ecological, material, political and spiritual civilization.

蒙古族与藏族部落由于相同的逐水草而居的游牧生产方式,使其部落的牧地在历史上有较大的变化。Because the Mongolian and Tibetan tribes had identical mode of nomadic production, the considerable changes had taken place in the tribal pastureland in history.

1968年在新疆巴楚县阿克沙克马拉勒地区的西衣提力克,久甫库库勒等荒漠牧场中对绵羊和山羊进行了新疆出血热病毒自然感染的调查。In April 1968 a field survey was carried out in the pastureland of Xiyetlik and Jiupkuikuil near Aksakmaral of Bachu County, Xinjiang for virus isolation from sheep and goat.

定居下来的道路变成轻轻弯,起伏剪彩通过牧场,因为我们通过雷德洛奇和实现哥伦布,我们的目标停止过夜。The road settled down into a gently curving, rising and falling ribbon through pastureland as we passed through Red Lodge and towards Columbus, our target stop for the night.

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深化集体林权制度改革,启动国有林场改革试点,依法开展草原承包经营登记。We deepened reform of tenure in collective forests, launched a trial reform of state forestry farms, and started registration for contracting pastureland in accordance with the law.

雪峰的红光映射到这辽阔的牧场上,形成一个金碧辉煌的世界,蒙古包、牧群和牧女们,都镀上了一色的玫瑰红。The glow of the mountains reaches down to the pastureland and transforms it into a luminous world of gold and brilliance . The yurts, the herds and the girls all are dipped into this rosy shimmer.