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他没有固定职业。He has no fixed occupation.

那才是真正的侵占。That was the real occupation.

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谢谢.您的职业是什么?Thank you. What` your occupation?

种花是他的工作。These flowers were his occupation.

男人的主要任务是狩猎。The primary male occupation was hunting.

业余时间,我把上网当成一项消遣。I do net play as an occupation in my sparetime.

护理工作一直是女性为主导的职业。Nursing has been a female-dominated occupation.

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赛车手的工作非常危险。A racecar driver's occupation is full of danger.

消防工作本身是一项危险的职业。Firefighting is an inherently dangerous occupation.

他的残废使他喜欢做些案头工作。His lameness made him fond of sedentary occupation.

不列颠的大部分领土曾被罗马人占领。Large parts of Britain were under Roman occupation.

职业道德是做人之本,为师之本。Occupation morals of this man, the division of the.

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国家上一次的沦陷是在1944年。The last occupation of the country was during 1944.

聘请代笔-代笔与代劳为何成为一种常态化职业?Ghostwriter and see why become a regular occupation?

请在申请书上注明你的职业。Please list your occupation on the application form.

你的职业是否有助于消灭你的同胞?Does your occupation aid in destroying your fellowman?

怀特岛在周末时也被“占领”。Over the weekend the Isle of Wight went into occupation.

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请在表格里填上姓名、年龄和职业。Please state your name, age, and occupation on the form.

日据时代对台湾文化留下了深远的影响。The Japanese occupation left a mark on Taiwan's culture.

本文还综述了作业治疗领域的相关研究。And research on occupation therapy was overviewed as well.