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我的心在那河水里游….。Swimming in it is my heart cozily.

她会很舒服的闭上眼睛,怡然自得。She will close the eyes comfortably, cozily.

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他倚在椅上,双脚舒适地张开,脚板着地。He leans on chair, double foot is stretched cozily , baseboard touchdown.

人们通常穿着短裤拖鞋,舒舒服服地坐在藤椅上。People usually wear short pants and sandals, and cozily lounge on cane chairs.

天色已晚,临街店面慵懒的路灯像一只只萤火虫。The sky had gone dark, and cozily lighted storefronts beckoned like fireflies.

一块松软舒适、易换洗的小地毯是不错的选择。Changing washed small carpet loose and cozily , easily together is right choice.

我喜欢在安静、黑暗的办公室工作。这时候家人舒舒服服地睡着了。I love working in my dark, quiet office, when I know that the rest of my family is cozily asleep.

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不要浪费时间在与人争论上,因为那是没有结果的,就让我们安稳地生活在深广无涯的道中吧!Don't waste time on debate because it is fruitless. Let's live cozily in the profound and boundless Tao.

有只小狗四处找寻午睡的地方,跑到牛厩里头,舒服地躺在稻草上。Dog looking out for its afternoon nap jumped into the Manger of an Ox and lay there cozily upon the straw.

舒适的装扮适合飞机上的时光,不怕皱也不会浑身不安闲。Dress up the days that suits a plane to go up cozily , do not be afraid of knit also won't all over uneasy.

伴着低回的轻音乐,客人们非常舒适地接受按摩,彼此不时交谈。Companion is worn low the light music that answer, guests are accepted cozily massage, each other often chat.

她不断地小声咯咯笑,发现了“鳞茎宝宝”“鳞茎幼儿”还有“鳞茎爸爸妈妈”,后者紧紧相拥。She discovered "baby bulbs", "kiddie bulbs", and "mummy and daddy bulbs", the latter snuggling cozily together.

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她还发现了“球茎宝宝”、“球茎娃娃”和紧紧依偎在一起的“球茎爸爸和球茎妈妈”。She discovered "baby bulbs" and "kiddie bulbs" and "mummy and daddy bulbs"—the latter snuggling cozily together.

她发现了“球茎宝宝”,“球茎娃娃”和温情拥抱在一起的“球茎花爸爸妈妈”。She discovered "baby bulbs" and "kiddie bulbs" and "mummy and daddy bulbs" --- the latter snuggling cozily together.

请想象你的脚、膝盖、大腿都一一舒适地浸泡在水中,这样一来全身肌肉都放松了。The foot that imagines you please, knee, ham immerses cozily one by one in water, come so systemic muscle was loosened.

一面美国国旗在他们白宫寓所的壁炉里慢慢燃烧,而本•拉登的肖像则摆放在壁炉上,看上去对他们的举动大加赏识。An American flag burns away cozily in their White House fireplace, while a portrait of Osama bin Laden looks on approvingly.

但无论哪一种,都可以创造出舒适的读书办公空间,体现书房主人的审美趣味和现实需求。But no matter which kind of, can create go out to read cozily office space, reflect the aesthetic gout of study host and actual demand.

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如地毯、原木、壁布或塑料等,这些材料耐用、易修复,且价格适中,可营造舒适的睡卧环境。Be like carpet, log, wall cloth or plastic etc, these stuff are durable, easy repair, and price moderate, can build sleep cozily lie environment.

在人们发现它以前,它一定是在温暖的泥土中沉睡,就象沉睡在母亲怀抱中的婴儿那样安详,宁静。Before people discovered them, they must be sleeping inside the warm soil, just like a baby in the bosom of the mother peacefully, quietly and cozily.

事情确实很简单,五分钟就交代明白了,于是奥德利夫人退到卧室里,舒舒服服地蜷缩在鸭绒被下。It was so simple that it was told in five minutes, and then Lady Audley retired into her bed-room, and curled herself up cozily under the eider-down quilt.