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哈珊也曾在1991年一次库德人的失败抗争后,用武力扫荡了喀尔克四个县。Saddam Hussein also bulldozed four districts in Kirkuk after the failedKurdish uprising in 1991.

围绕北部城市基尔库克的争议提醒美国的战争部署者,还有多少事要做。Disputes over the northern city of Kirkuk remind America's war planners of how much remains to be done.

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围绕北部城市基尔库克的争议提醒美国的战争部署者,还有多少事要做。Disputes over the northern city of Kirkuk remind America’s war planners of how much remains to be done.

半自治的北方库尔德地区没有进行选举。There was no voting in the semiautonomous Kurdish region in the north, or in the divided city of Kirkuk.

周三还有一人在基尔库克被杀,这一天似乎是伊拉克一年多以来最血腥的一天。Another person was killed in Kirkuk in what appeared to be the deadliest day in Iraq in more than a year.

目前已有几次爆炸事件,包括周二发生的基尔库克的爆炸事件,已造成几十人死伤。There have been several bombings, including one on Tuesday in Kirkuk that killed and wounded dozens of people.

经实验室化验确诊的第一起霍乱指示病例是由基尔库克省于2007年8月14日报告的。The first index case of cholera, confirmed by laboratory test, was reported from Kirkuk Governate on 14 August 2007.

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到年底,按预定计划的公投可能把伊拉克石油丰富的基尔库克市的控制权交给自治的地区政府。By year's end, a scheduled referendum may deliver control of Iraq's oil-rich city of Kirkuk to the autonomous regional government.

爆炸发生在当地时间下午1点,地点是塔扎市,距基尔库克西南方向大约10英里,距巴格达以北149英里。The blast took place about 1 p.m. local time in the town of Taza, about 10 miles southwest of Kirkuk and 149 miles north of Baghdad.

基尔库克的重要性已使该市的归属问题成为影响土耳其-伊拉克关系和伊拉克联邦制发展的重要因素。By all means, Kirkuk has become one of the key factors which would influence Turkey-Iraq relationship and the development of Iraqi Federation in the future.

基尔库克富产石油,是包括库尔德人、阿拉伯人、土库曼人、穆斯林和基督徒在内的少数民族和宗教组织权力角逐的中心。The oil-rich Kirkuk region is at the center of a power struggle between ethnic and religious groups including Kurds, Arabs , Turkmen, Muslims and Christians.

与此同时,美国军方说,美军一名海军陆战队员和一名士兵星期二在巴格达城外反叛份子发动的袭击中死亡.基尔库克市的一起汽车炸弹攻击造成叁名伊拉克人丧生。Meanwhile, the U. S. military says separate insurgent attacks killed an American Marine and a soldier outside Baghdad Tuesday. And a car bomb in Kirkuk killed three Iraqis.

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据基尔库克地方警察局一名警官说,周六在基尔库克附近的一个城市里,一辆载有炸弹的自杀式卡车在一座什叶派清真寺附近爆炸,炸死至少46人,166人受伤。A suicide truck bombing near a Shiite mosque killed at least 46 people and wounded at least 166 Saturday in a city close to Kirkuk, Iraq, an official with Kirkuk police said.

在伊拉克已知的大约80个油田中,只有20多个处于完全开发或部分开发状态,其大多数的产量来自于北鲁迈拉、南鲁迈拉和基尔库克这三个超大型油田。Just over 20 of Iraq's roughly 80 known oil fields have been fully or partially developed, and most of its production comes from just three giants, North and South Rumaila and Kirkuk.

有报导说,盖茨一直试图在库尔德族领导人和巴格达的中央政府之间进行调解,以解决双方在盛产石油的基尔库克地区一项棘手的领土争端。The secretary reportedly has been trying to mediate between Kurdish leaders and the central government in Baghdad, over a thorny territorial dispute over the oil-rich region of Kirkuk.

一些较为小型的作战行动,比如2004年在基尔库克地区打击武装叛乱分子时把行动命名为“纤细黑影”,这听起来也并不像是遵守了国防部制定的相关命名方面的准则。Some lesser operations, like a 2004 roundup of insurgents in Kirkuk called “Operation Slim Shady, ” also don’t seem like they would have passed through the Defense Department’s official guidelines.