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他们对你非礼了吗?Are they right your incivility ?

当人家找你说话时拒绝答应是极其无礼的事。It is gross incivility to refuse answer when spoken to.

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说到这里,网络不文明行为还真是个问题。Having said this, true Internet incivility is a problem.

他瞪我,乱叫什么啊,别人听到还以为我要非礼你呢。He stared at me, " what, the others heard thought I want incivility you."

在办公室的无礼行为会让公司在人力和财力上都付出高昂代价。Incivility in the office carries a very high price in both human and financial terms.

他不以怨报怨,那样,他将不再是自己行为的主宰。He refuses to return incivility from incivility, because then he would no longer be in command of his own conduct.

这次研究将职场侵犯定义为无礼貌的---包括粗鲁和失礼的语言和非语言行为。The study defined workplace aggression as incivility , including rudeness and discourteous verbal and non-verbal behavior.

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尽管社会首先关注的仍是重大犯罪案件,但是在休斯顿所发生的一切已经显示出粗野行为的严重迹象了。Society's first concern will remain major crime, but a foretaste of the seriousness of incivility is suggested by what has been happening in Houston.

时代杂志源引一项最新研究称,医生的态度会影响病人的恢复情况,态度恶劣的医生会直接提升病人的死亡率。As reported by Time Magazine, rudeness and incivility among doctors, in particular in the operating room, can actually lead to poorer health outcomes and even higher death rates among patients.

但是一些疏忽的司机——他们中的一些正在打电话或根本没注意到一条很长的车队正在通过——是这种不礼貌现象上升的主要因素。But inattentive drivers — some of them talking on cell phones or simply not noticing a long line of cars traveling together — are a major factor in what seems like a rise in processional incivility.