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贝妮是你永远的朋友!Bani Rabbit is your friend forever!

琐巴人拿单的儿子以甲,迦得人巴尼Igal the son of Nathan of Zobah, Bani the Gadite

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上校还想要坦克,重炮还有通讯器材。Bani asked for tanks, heavy artillery and communications and logistics equipment.

绿色抵抗武装在郊区的沙漠击毙数百名反对派。The Bani walid Green resistance has killed hundreds of Rebels at Outskirt desert.

这名指挥官曾试图混在平民中从拜尼沃利德逃跑。The commander had tried to get in the civilian population from bani walid escape.

随着图阿雷格志愿者的到来,拜尼沃利德外的北约和反对派全部撤退。With the arrival of the Touaregs in the Bani Walid, NATO and rebels are in full retreat.

班尼瓦里的部落领导人加涅赫乐观地认为,一场战斗是可以避免的。Bani Walid tribal leader Abdul Qader Ganyeh was optimistic a confrontation could be avoided.

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反卡扎菲部队一名指挥官夸努纳说,他的手下已经包围了班尼瓦里。A commander of the anti-Gadhafi forces, Abdel Salam Qanuna, says his men have surrounded Bani Walid.

一整天,武装便捷卡车都在通往班尼瓦利德北部的主要道路上穿梭。All day, armed pick-up trucks have been racing up and down the main road to the north of Bani Walid.

拜尼沃利德、塔尔胡纳、苏尔特及利比亚南部的部分地区都在绿色抵抗武装控制之下,部落正式拒绝NTC。Bani walid and Tarhuna and Sirte and Parts of South libya are Under Green Control. also Tribes formally rejected the NTC.

支持绿色抵抗的南方部落大量进入拜尼沃利德和兹利坦,其余苏尔特及的黎波里前进。Southern Tribes have Arrived in Bani walid in large numbers. bani walid and Zlitan and Others are moving to sirte and Tripoli.

亲卡扎菲军队星期一在防守严密的城镇班尼瓦里的北门附近使用重武器火力击退了全国过渡委员会武装人员。Pro-Gadhafi forces used heavy gunfire to repel NTC fighters Monday near the northern gate of the heavily fortified town of Bani Walid.

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利比亚反对派在班加西称,卡扎菲上校的儿子在的黎波里附近被击毙,已经被埋葬在班尼瓦里附近。The Libyan opposition in Benghazi say that one of Colonel Gaddafi's sons has been killed near Tripoli and has been buried near Bani Walid.

其次是利未人巴尼的儿子利宏修造。其次是管理基伊拉一半、哈沙比雅为他所管的本境修造。After him repaired the Levites, Rehum the son of Bani. Next unto him repaired Hashabiah, the ruler of the half part of Keilah, in his part.

其次是利未人,巴尼的儿子利宏修造。其次是管理基伊拉一半,哈沙比雅为他所管的本境修造。After him repaired the Levites, Rehum the son of Bani. Next unto him repaired Hashabiah, the ruler of the half part of Keilah, in his part.

巴尼呼吁国际社会援助义军更大更强的大杀器来跟政府军对掐。Bani called on the international community to supply opposition fighters with better and more powerful weapons to hold off the Gadhafi forces.

可是,目前流亡法国的前伊朗总统阿伯尔哈桑。巴尼萨德尔并不认为伊朗会增加在伊拉克的影响力。But former former Iranian President Abolhassan Bani Sadr, who lives in exile in France, doesn't think Iran will increase its influence in Iraq.

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这也是苏尔特、班尼瓦里以及其它全国过渡委员会控制之外地区的民众一定在期盼过渡委员会及其支持者将会遵守的一个承诺。It's a promise that the people of Sirte, Bani Walid and other areas beyond the NTC's control must hope the council and its supporters will keep.

然而,巴尼萨德尔相信,从长远来看,伊拉克将寻求与伊朗建立更密切的关系,以便在泛阿拉伯舞台上增加其影响力。Bani Sadr does believe, however, that in the longer term, Iraq will seeks closer ties with Iran to increase its clout in the pan-Arab political arena.

在失去的黎波里后,卡扎菲随着一支小车队通过支持他的Tarhuna地区和拜尼沃利德地区,于8月21日逃到苏尔特。Colonel Qaddafi fled to Surt on Aug. 21, the day Tripoli fell, in a small convoy that traveled through the loyalist bastions of Tarhuna and Bani Walid.