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该扩展程序会自动将选定日期写入对应的文本框。The extender automatically writes the selected date to the companion TextBox.

插入一个字符数组的子串到文本框的内容中。Inserts a subrange of an array of characters into the contents of the TextBox.

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目前,复合列表框和文本框是仅有的提供自动完成功能的控件。Currently, the ComboBox and TextBox are the only controls that offer autocompletion.

当你在工具栏中双击TextBox控件的时候,下面的代码就被填加到了XAML视图中。When you double-click the TextBox control, the following XAML is added to XAML view.

您可能需要允许用户将可能有害的字符输入到文本框中。You may need to allow the user to enter potentially injurious characters into a textbox.

HeaderDisplay属性包含以下项以显示文本框和组合框The HeaderDisplay property contains the following entries to display the textbox and combo box

你可以指定文本框的位置,大小和字体,以符合原始报告的外观。You can customize textbox location, size and text font to meet the original report appearance.

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当文本框失去焦点时更改的数据复制到网格单元中,文本框隐藏起来。When the textbox looses focus the changed data is copied back to the grid cell and the textbox is hidden.

这次,创建的是一个简单的文本框表单,对应于直角三角形的对边和斜边。This time, you create a simple textbox form that corresponds to the opposite and hypotenuse of a right triangle.

之后会出现带URL文本框的浮动导航栏界面以及从标签上垂下的刷新按钮。This will cause a floating navigation bar interface with a URL textbox and refresh button to drop down from the tab.

只需改变数组的长度,文本框就会同时重新排列,这样你就能以相同的技术来获得更多或者少些的列。Just change the array length and the textbox array the same, and you can the same technique with more or fewer columns.

日语Yomi输入自动完成类库提供了API,以及一个支持日文IME输入自动完成功能的Textbox控件。The Japanese Yomi Auto-Completion library provides the API and a Textbox that supports Japanese IME-aware auto-complete input.

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在可编辑的文本框里将文件重命名为“blog.html”并且点击回车以完成重命名。That will change the name label into an editable textbox. Rename the file to "blog.html" and hit Enter to effectuate the name change.

请注意这个文本框有一个滚动条,鼓励你录入必要的、对问题足够丰富的解释。Please note that this textbox has a scrollbar, encouraging you to type as much text as necessary to give a full explanation of the problem.

对于这些文档,通常都有着严格的格式要求,甚至连对文本框、标签大小和字体样式的丝毫变动都不允许。It is a common requirement that these documents have exact formatting, and even very minimal changes in textbox or label sizes or font faces are not acceptable.

如果用户改变了文本框中的值或切换了下拉列表中的选定元素,您就能够注册一个事件处理程序,引发事件时,执行代码。If the user changes the value in a textbox or switches the selected element in a dropdown list, you can register an event handler and have code execute when the event is raised.