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他的粗鲁使我不愿意答应他的请求。His rareness disinclined me to grant his request.

信用的稀缺程度决定着交易双方对信用的利用水平。Rareness of utilizing credit decides the level of credit by both parties of a transaction.

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土地资源的稀缺性,决定了其走集约利用道路的必然性。The limitation and rareness of land resource decided that it must be utilized intensively.

自然资源的公共物品属性以及资本的稀缺性是生产力异化的条件。The public belonging property of natural resources and capital rareness are its condition.

而且,我国的石油价格也未能很好地反映石油资源的稀缺程度及石油本身的价值。What's more, the oil price can't reflect effectively the rareness and the value of the resource.

不久的将来,人们就会依据食用粪便动物的缺稀性来建立等级制。In the distant future, humans will form caste systems based on the rareness of the animals whose poop we eat.

矿山公园以其独特性、稀有性,对求新、求奇的旅游者具有很大吸引力。Mine Parks strongly allure the tourists who are seeking for newness and novelty because of its peculiarity and rareness.

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人力资源具有价值有效性、稀缺性和难以模仿性,是企业构建竞争优势的核心资源。HR is a core resource in establishing the advantage power of enterprise because of its value, rareness and difficult to imitate.

这些资源需要开发,但由于它的典型性、稀有性和脆弱性,我们还必须保护。The resources need exploiting, and at the smae time, owing to the resources' typicalness, rareness and fragility, we must protect them.

而耕地资源稀缺性和粮食安全以及生态安全的压力又迫使国家限制耕地用途的转变。On the other hand, the cultivated land rareness and the pressure from grain security and demand of the safe ecology limit the transition.

自然资源的公共物品属性以及资本的稀缺性是生产力异化的条件。The public belonging property of natural resources and capital rareness are its condition. It can occur in both capitalist and socialist societies.

美的概念总是同稀少联在一起。例如一个姑娘脸上的美人痣,有一颗很好看,有一堆就很麻烦。The beautiful concept always unites with rareness. Such as the mole of beauty on a girl's face, there is very goodlooking one, there is one pile very troublesome.

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在三峡审美中,每一个用心审美的人都会关注三峡石刻,都会从中感受到中国悠久文化的灿烂与珍奇。The paper claims that whoever appreciate the beauty with heart would enjoy the Three Gorges stone carving and sense the brilliancy and rareness of ever-lasting Chinese traditional culture.

科技资源的稀缺性与期待效用最大化特征决定科技资源优化配置是各国科技管理和科技政策优先关注的核心问题。Because of the nature of its rareness and expected-effectiveness, its optimization is a core problem superiorly concerned for scientific& technological management and policies in every country.

他们丰富的色彩、璀璨的的光芒以及珍贵稀有的特质满足了世人的种种热望,成为个人情感的寄托、表达自我的标志。Its rich color, bright lightness and the characteristic of rareness meets the demand of human beings' desire, which becomes sustenance of personal emotional and the symbol of expressing oneself.

煤层注水防治冲击地压的机理以及注水过程中,对水在煤层中的运动规律还缺乏研究,因而工艺参数决定只能依靠经验,存在很大盲目性,必然影响防治效果。Due to the rareness in the research of its mechanism and moving regularity of water in coal seam, process parameters could only be determined by experience with great blindness and low efficiency.