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她是女警察。She's a policewoman.

她是一个警察吗?Is she a policewoman?

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女警察笑了。The policewoman smiled.

看看那名女警察。Look at that policewoman.

你认识那个女警吗?Do you know that policewoman?

我的理想是成为一名女警。My ideal is to be a policewoman.

我的梦想是成为一个女警察。My dream was to be a policewoman.

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那个女警察是矮还是高?IS that policewoman short or tall?

他们在和一个女警察讲话。They are talking to a policewoman.

女警官回答说,“是的,先生。The policewoman replied, "Yes, sir."

一名女警察向直升飞机射击。A policewoman shot at the helicopter.

更可能是因为你跟那个女警察说。As it was for you telling the policewoman.

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这个男警察与那个女警察个子一样高。The policeman is as tall as the policewoman.

女警察成了弗雷德眼里的女英雄。The policewoman was a heroine in Freds eyes.

除了警察没有人能打开这个门。Noboby but the policewoman can open the door.

女警察成了弗雷德眼里的女英雄。The policewoman was a heroine in Fred s eyes.

我已经让那位女警察看了萨姆的照片。I had already shown the policewoman Sam's photo.

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她是我所见过女警察最高的一位。She is the tallest policewoman I have ever seen.

难道你不担心我是警察或其他什么人?Aren't you worried I'm a policewoman or anything?

禁止停车的牌子是一个貌美的女警察吗?Is that a pretty policewoman on the no parking barrier?