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图书和期刊的赠阅可能往往带有相当的偶然性。Gifts of books and journals can often be quite fortuitous.

至于受损以及不断变化的染色体,只是意外的副产品罢了。Mangled and ever changing chromosomes are but fortuitous by-products.

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我们有些成功是早就预言的,有些是意外获得的。Well, some of our success we predicted and some of it was fortuitous.

温曼认为,网站的成功是来源于一系列偶然的事件。Weinman describes the site's success as a succession of fortuitous accidents.

偶然发生的偶发事件点燃两人之间的,或者团队中的协同的变革。Fortuitous happenstance ignits a foray of synergy between the two or the group.

德文郡的居民则表示对巴尼特的奇遇艳羡不已。The German county's resident expressed that admires to Barnet's fortuitous encounter.

这就是它的最终结果,并且无论是强制的还是偶然的,成本都相同。That's where it ends up anyway, and the cost is the same whether forced or fortuitous.

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此外,在2011年举办这一专题的首届大会也是机缘巧合。In addition, it is fortuitous that the first conference on this topic takes place in the year 2011.

实际上,这是一个幸运的意外,因为我们可以了解如何从该服务删除记录。Actually, this is a fortuitous accident, since we can take a look at how to delete a record from the service.

她所指的是最近有关于在美国潜伏着大量俄国间谍的新闻—这是这部电影上映的绝好时机。She is referring to the recent news of the Russian spy ring in America – fortuitous timing for the release of the film.

1928年,亚历山大•弗莱明在发霉的皮氏培养皿上偶然发现了青霉素,由此开启了医学新时代。The fortuitous discovery of penicillin on a moldy Petri dish in 1928 by Alexandar Fleming launched a new era in medicine.

一个偶然的机会,周老太发现,自己住的菏泽路房子产权人只有孙子阿立一个人的名字。A fortuitous opportunity weeks old discovered that they were living in the prefecture Road house property only when launched one name.

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这解释了为什么一些人的生活看起来充满机遇,而另一些人在百般后悔自己错失的机会。This explains why some people's lives seem full of fortuitous circumstances, while others are riddled with regrets about roads not taken.

因此,胡锦涛代表中国对美国的访问契机非常巧合,这一访问达到了撰写应时的中国专栏的目的。So the eve of Hu Jintao's state visit to America seems a pretty fortuitous place to begin what aims to be an occasional column from China.

许多人认为阿波罗13的成功返航是出于侥幸,但伍德菲尔说他更相信是天意。While many may say the way Apollo 13 turned out was luck or a fortuitous turn of events, Woodfill said he tends to lean towards providence.

另外,何兆武对历史中的假设方法也给以肯定,从而提升了历史中偶然性的地位。Moreover, He Zhaowu also gives the affirmation with historical supposition method, which has promoted fortuitous status in history reaserch.

追溯这这一切的革新我没发现,这都是源自将实物变为电子信息的变革加上人类天性中的偶发性诱因,二者结合后所产生的结果。And the upheaval is driven by the transformation of tangible goods into digital information in combination with fortuitous quirk of human nature.

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实际上,我在几年前,发现了这个,这是相当意外的,就像在一个CS50演讲前一天,我的iPhone,坏掉了。In fact, I dug up this from a few years ago it was actually pretty fortuitous like the day before one of CS50s lectures the original iPhone was cracked.

此外,香蕉简直就是为人类消费和高效配送而存在的,实在是没法再设计出这样完美符合人类需求的水果了。Indeed, the banana appears almost purpose-designed for efficient human consumption and distribution. It is difficult to conceive of a more fortuitous fruit.

一个非常奇妙的历史偶然就是,犹太民族最终把所有这一切,都记录在了这本我们叫圣经的集子里。One of the most wonderful and fortuitous facts of history is that later Jewish communities chose to put all this stuff in this collection we call the Bible.