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魔鬼继续紧追不舍。The devil keeps oncoming.

聚云预示了即将来临的风暴。Gathering clouds announced the oncoming storm.

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虎豹都是凶猛的野兽。The oncoming force of the typhoon was ferocious.

先到右边困住追过来的敌人们。Advance to the right and trap the oncoming enemies.

或者是它的头部轻巫统一个迎面而来的火车?Or is it the head light of an oncoming Umno train ?

模拟同时也包括正面驶来的车辆和行驶在蜿蜒的路上。The simulation also included oncoming traffic and winding roads.

沿着隧道往下逐渐变大,迎面而来的是一个地铁站台。Down the tunnel, growing large, was the light of an oncoming subway.

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面对即将到来的气候变化趋势,是否应当租下那家市中心的办公室?In light of oncoming climate change, should you really rent that downtown office?

这对即将开始建设的青岛市CBD的发展,有一定的参考价值。It has consultative value for the development of CBD that is oncoming in Qingdao.

这台机器有一端是固定的,朝向波浪涌来的方向。The machine's moored at one end, points into the direction of the oncoming waves.

我起身从矮矮的小长椅走开,绕过一群迎面走来的小孩。I got up and walked away from the squat little benches and an oncoming gang of kids.

艾希曼站在那里,迎面照来的车灯衬托出他的身影。When it pulled away, there he stood, framed in silhouette by the oncoming headlights.

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好像她在北京的步行时光让她无所畏惧的对着车流迎面而去。It seems her life as a Beijing pedestrian has made her fearless about oncoming traffic.

格林瓦尔德当时想要左拐并穿越迎面来车的四条车道。Ms. Greenwald was attempting to make a left turn across four lanes of oncoming traffic.

他说他跑向驶来的列车,试图用照相机的闪光灯提醒列车司机注意。He said he ran towards the oncoming train, firing his camera's flash to warn the driver.

今天我开车拐过一个弯道时,车突然熄火了,对面开来一辆小型卡车。Today, I accidentally stalled my car on a turn while in front of an oncoming semi truck.

我们问阿历克赛他怎么想他同托帕罗夫的下一轮比赛。We asked Alexei what he thought about his oncoming match with Topalov in the next round.

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他抓住一棵树,支撑着自己,点上了那盏旧马灯,以驱散笼罩过来的黑暗。Grabbing a tree for support, he lit the old possum lantern against the oncoming darkness.

这是一条双车道的单行线,所以整条路上都不会出现不同方向的车辆。This road is a two-lane one-way road, so there is no oncoming traffic for the stretch of it.

这时,魁刚听见更多的皮靴声骤雨般席卷而来,以及机器人特有的嗡嗡声。He heard more boots thundering down the hallway and the distinctive whirr of oncoming droids.