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它主动提出寄信句号。He offered to ost the letter.

大多数人是这样认为的。The ost people think of this.

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她将近90岁了,但身体仍然十分强健。She ost 90, but still very robust.

你是否期待着由东方神起新的OST曲目?Are you looking forward to the new OST track by DBSK?

他的女朋友挺不错的,跟谁都合得来。His girlfriend is hunky-dory, getting on nicely ost everyone.

自从我表哥到了美国,我就和他失去了联系。Since my cousin went to the States, I havel ost track of him.

谢谢,但我觉得我同意把歌放到原声里是错的绝对。Thank you, but I think it was wrong that I agreed with being on the OST.

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Taewoon娱乐昌珉和允浩说,在雅典娜的OST参加了会议。Taewoon Entertainment stated that Changmin and Yunho participated in Athena's OST.

英国开放大学是应用这些原则的成功典范。The Open University is them ost successful exemplars of the use of these principles.

此外抽奖活动的礼物是伊甸的OST及戏里东哲送给英兰的定情项炼。The lucky draw prizes were EOE OST and the necklace that DC gave to YR in the drama.

但是,有几个方法可以让你的背部几乎看前面一样好。However, there are a few ways you can keep your back looking alm ost as nice as the front.

添加4的成果加入FLAC版本的OST菜单不显示当前四天的新顶峰。Added 4 achievements Added FLAC version of the OST Menu no shows current day Four new crest.

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最基本的和最简单的针用于创建哈丹格尔设计称为缎针。Them ost basic and easiest stitch used to create a Hardanger design is called the Satin Stitch.

大型购物中心非常方便,因为我们在那里几乎可以买到所需要的任何东西。Large shopping centers are very convenient because we can find alm ost everything we need there.

因此,最有激情的大学生,我们必须端正我们爱的价值取向。If you plant pride, you ost enthusiastic students, ust rectify our love of the value orientation.

杜布罗夫卡剧院福建开始建设恢复纪念莫斯科剧院人质危机中的受害者的教堂。Moscow started to build a Church in honor of Nord Ost victims near theatrical centre on Dubrovka.

非常繁忙的2008年。一边为准备大学入学而学习,还要制作电影原声音乐。Very hectic year 2008. I had to study for entering late University, had to keep making movies OST.

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他们将加入诸如少女时代的领导者,泰妍,和OST的轨道布朗眼灵魂的艺术家。They will be joining artists such as Girls Generation leader, Taeyeon, and Brown Eyed Soul for the OST track.

而这也正解释了为什么一个名叫李宇春的21岁四川女生会成为中国最受欢迎的流行偶像。Which helps explain how a 21-year-old Sichuanese music student named Li Yuchun has become one of the Topless ost popularbfigures in China.

文章还指出,国际社会有必要进一步明确外空条约中的“有害污染”一词的具体含义。The author also suggests that it is necessary for the international community to clarify further the meaning of "harmful contamination" in the OST.