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那里有更湿的水,更粘的泥!Is wetter water, slimier slime!

纯黑金属气候哈?Also pures Black Metal Wetter was?

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我自然不会淋得更湿了。I certainly couldn't get any wetter.

佩斯利最近启动了他的“水二多雨及怀德”之旅。Paisley recently kicked off his "H2O II Wetter and Wilder" tour.

在涂施包湿的时候用小点的力,待开始变干就逐渐加力。Use less pressure when the muneca is wetter and more pressure when it is relatively dry.

北部天气较冷,南部较温和,东部较干燥,西部较潮湿。It is colder in the north, warmer in the south, drier in the east and wetter in the west.

雨下了整整一天,通向停车场的台阶比我想象得要湿滑得多。It had been a rainy day and the steps leading to the car park were wetter than I realised.

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抽上来的水是数十万年前在很湿润时期积聚下来的。The water being pumped was deposited tens of thousands of years ago, in much wetter times.

该地区同周围干热的气候不同,是非常潮湿和凉爽的。This microclimate is wetter and cooler than the surrounding region's relatively dry, warm climate.

一个满身泥泞的,倒霉催的黑影,穿着怪异,淋得比一只洗衣机里的水獭还要湿。A poor bedraggled figure, strangely attired, wetter than an otter in a washing machine, and hitching.

即便在金星上有水的时期,其高热也会让水无法以液态水形式存在。Even in Venus' wetter days, the planet's heat would have made it difficult for water to exist in liquid form.

厄尔尼诺现象还可以导致美国部分地区的多雨,并且能够影响印度的季风季节。An El Nino event can also bring wetter weather to parts of the United States and can affect the monsoon season in India.

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湿润的布将允许染料批次处理过程中迁移,从而明快的线条将消失洗净效果。Wetter fabric will allow the dye to migrate during batch processing and thus crisp lines will disappear into wash effect.

能降低水的表面张力,润湿力和渗透力强,有乳化性能。Wetter 2Y, with strong wetting power and penetrating power as well emulsification, can reduce the surface tension of water.

人们很快就进入泼水狂欢状态,因为你身上越湿,你就会得到更多好运,变得更幸福。Very soon it became a water splashing frenzy, as the wetter you get, the more luck you receive, and the happier you will be.

这种风尘沉积作用即使在气候较为湿热的古土壤发育时期也未中断。The dust sedimentations have never been intermitted even in the soil-forming periods when the climates were warmer and wetter.

大象的房间拥有两个水池,它们每天都可以洗澡。训兽员身上通常要比大象还湿!The elephants' new house has two pools, where they have their bath every day. The keepers usually get wetter than the elephants!

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这些物质在含水环境中形成,由此可推测,过去火星比现在更为温暖和湿润。Those materials form in watery environments and presumably trace back to a time when Mars was much warmer and wetter than it is now.

全球变化导致的水分时空格局的变化可能对温带草原土壤呼吸有较大的影响。In the typical temperate steppe, soil temperature tends to have greater impact on soil respiration in wetter habitats than in drier habitats.

最新的研究表明,在黑死病暴发之前的几十年里,夏季要比正常年份潮湿,并且曾遭遇了一场骤冷,这都同一个小冰期的来临相对应。For decades leading up to the outbreak, the new study found, wetter summers and a major cold snap corresponded with the onset of a Little Ice Age.