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父爱是有条件的。Fatherly love is conditional love.

没有东西能激发他父亲般的温暖。Nothing sparked his fatherly warmth.

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是无条件的父爱!It was for unconditional fatherly love.

让我给你一点慈父般的忠告吧。Let me give you a little fatherly advice.

透过暗光,你端详他友好如父的脸庞。By the dim light, you study his kind and fatherly face.

因此,我恳请您能像慈父一样原谅我的过错。And so I appeal to your fatherly feelings to forgive me.

所有的事物都按着神天父般的眷护而发生。All things happen according to God's fatherly providence.

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母爱深似海,父爱重如山。Deep sea motherly love, fatherly love heavy as a mountain.

杰克突然微微一笑,又摆起了慈父的姿态。Suddenly Jack smiled and slipped back into his fatherly role.

如果我不玩汽车,我会让我爸爸感到没面子。I felt I had to play with them or I would hurt his fatherly pride.

接著,他又慈爱的给这位年轻的牧者一些忠告。Then he goes on to give this young pastor some good fatherly advice.

失去了父爱或是母爱的孩子,被称为“单翼天使”。Fatherly or motherly love has lost a child, known as the "angel wing."

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于是他忽然出乎意外地流露出父亲般温柔的微笑。And suddenly he smiled a quite unexpected smile of fatherly kindliness.

他的脸孔像父亲一般的慈祥。他的眼睛里闪耀着友谊的光芒。His face was fatherly and benign, and his eyes twinkled with friendship.

很荣幸我们家能有你们给予的慈父般的指引。And we are honored to add your fatherly counsel into the heart of our family.

然后,贾巴试图缓和局面,对待索洛的态度突然像父亲般慈爱。Jabba then tried to smooth things with Solo by trying to play the fatherly patron.

但他也会认真的扮演好父亲的角色,成为一个慷慨而充满慈爱的父亲。He can also be a loving and generous father who will take his fatherly role seriously.

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让我谨向你提些慈父般的劝告吧!倘若你不喜欢它的话,但愿你能如实说。Let me give you a little fatherly advice. If you don't like it, I wish you would say so.

他象慈父般地吻了吻我们俩,领着我们穿过大厅,来到一间小屋子里。He kissed us both in a fatherly way, and bore us across the hall into a ruddy little room.

为此,本文就赋子的音乐形态、风格与特点进行进一步分析与研究。This article fatherly explored and analyzed the musical modality, style and features of Fuzi.