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订正练习册1-55页需要订正的错误处。Correct pages 1-55 in your workbook.

他的作业本塞在了窗缝里。His workbook is wedged in the window.

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一个工作簿有多少工作表?How many sheets does a workbook have?

还在靠题海战术学习英语吗?Still learning English with a workbook?

请在练习册上做第一题。Please do the Exercise One in your workbook.

这是必须通过考核的吗?Is it mandatory that I complete the workbook?

做练习册第一、二、三、四课练习。Do the workbook exercise for lesson 1, 2, 3, 4.

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药理学原则,第二版,工作手册。Principles of Pharmacology, Second Edition, Workbook.

一个工作簿可以拥有几层页面,这些页面称为工作表。A workbook can have several layers of pages called sheets.

打开练习册第9至12页。请认真做所有的练习。V. Open your workbook on P. 9,10,11,12 Do all the exercises.

“会审”工作簿使用“未经会审的工作项”团队查询。The Triage workbook uses the Untriaged Work Items team query.

请别忘了明天把你的练习册带到学校来。Please don't forget to bring your workbook to school tomorrow.

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我使用这本练习册来布置作业和复习学过的内容。I use the activity workbook to set homework and review each section.

我的手册是由很多种不同颜色组成的电子表格。My handbook is an excel workbook with many different colored sections.

作业练习提供自我节奏教训基础松散的教义。The workbook offers self-paced lessons based loosely on the teachings.

工作簿和工作簿中的每个工作表都有相关联的代码文件。The workbook and each sheet in the workbook has an associated code file.

把没有完成的“蜘蛛女侠”的海报昨晚。完成练习册54-59页,和62页。Finish any unfinished 'Spider Woman' posters. Workbook pg 54 to 59 and 62.

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托瑞丝和埃力克现代牙科辅助,教材及使用手册,第八版。Torres and Ehrlich Modern Dental Assisting, Textbook and Workbook Package, 8e.

完成第三页的练习,如果有问题,请举手。Finish the workbook page 3. If you have any questions , please raise your hand.

我开始发现了机会,以扩大该项目,并在工作簿的想法诞生了。I began to see an opportunity to extend the project and the workbook idea was born.