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不过一场争论还是悄然临近了。But a face-off may be looming.

另一项潜在威胁是监管机构可能实施新的监管措施。Another looming threat is re-regulation.

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一场你死我活的斗争迫在眉睫。A life-and-death struggle is looming ahead.

因此可以说滞涨已经来临了?So is stagflation looming over the horizon?

我必须开始温习功课了—期末考试在日益临近。I must start reviewing—final exam is looming.

我父亲沉着脸站在走廊。My father stood there looming in the hallway.

若隐若现的新的军备竞赛对全世界产生了太大的威胁。The world is threatened, too, by a looming new arms race.

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有很多原因,迫在眉睫的水危机。There are a number of reasons for the looming water crisis.

峰峦峭壁,隐现于苍松翠柏之中。Mountainous cliffs, looming in among the pines and cypresses.

当前,外空领域正日益面临武器化的危险。Outer space is now facing the looming danger of weaponization.

最后的演讲越来越近,但我感觉准备的很好。The final speech was looming closer, but I felt well prepared.

汽车出口的隧道,我们看到笼罩着飞艇的距离。Car exits a tunnel and we see airships looming over in the distance.

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随着限塑令日益逼近,塑料袋生产商已经感受到压力。Bag makers have already felt the pinch from the looming restrictions.

含水层的干涸已成为迫在眉睫的危机,新的协议给了我们希望Depletion of aquifers is a looming tragedy. New agreements offer hope

到处装点着凶恶的家族肖像和阴森的动物头颅。It was decorated with sinister family portraits and looming animal heads.

它可能是一个迫在眉睫的最后期限,比如即将举行的面试,或者缺乏睡眠。It could be a looming deadline, an upcoming job interview, or lack of sleep.

专家认为,正在逼近的问题是,马利仍然是个耕地的社会。The looming problem, experts noted, is that Mali remains an agrarian society.

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但是,就算是一次可能出现的罢工也会为国际石油价格增加压力。But even a looming strike could increase pressure on international oil prices.

在拂晓前昏暗的光线中,我看到一个黑影挡在门口。In the dim light of the daybreak, I saw a dark shape looming athwart the door.

随着最近灾难的发生,陈博士还展望了三个迫在眉睫的危机。In the wake of recent disasters, Dr Chan looked ahead at three looming crises.