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她是个美好的女子。She is a pretty, sweety girl.

嘿,你好啊,你迷路了吗亲爱的?Hey, there. Are you lost sweety?

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感慨良多的一天。Anyway, it's really a sweety day.

爱,开始的开始总是甜蜜的。From the beginning, love is full of sweety.

最好的一点是我心爱的另一半也喜欢它的味道。Best of all, my sweety loves the smell as well.

避免进行会使得你流汗的活动。Avoid activities that may make you sweaty sweety.

我有一个梦想的家园,它一定是温馨又美丽的。I have a dream home. It must be sweety and beauty.

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亲爱的,生命是上天赋予的,我们唯有献出生命,才能真正得到它。Sweety , life is given to us, we earn it by giving it.

黑甜甜系列,为2009所开始绘制的一系列创作。Black sweety series art works were created which started from 2009.

回味甘甜且带有较强收敛性。Making you feel its sweety after taste and with strong shrink ality.

就算那只是你的玩笑,甜蜜的谎言也会一直在我心里扬帆…Even if that's your jest, the sweety deep in my heart is a lie without sham.

一个永远的幸福只会让你记得全部开心的事!An immortal happiness will always make every sweety memory flash in your mind.

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当然也祝福所有的不死团成员,像过甜蜜情人节一样度过新年中的每一天XD!Also bless you pairs spend every New Year's day like the sweety Valentine's Day XD !

冰爽、芬芳、甜美,冰激凌包括了所有夏日美食的特质。Cool, fragrant, sweety , the ice cream includes all characters of a nice food in summer.

我快乐得笑着入睡,你能看到吗?喜欢我的微笑吗?我的朋友。I am so happy that I fall in sleep with sweety smile, can you see it?Do you love it, my old friend?

今晚你是完全属于我的。你给我的爱是那么的甜美。今晚,我可以看见你的眼里闪烁爱的光芒,明天你是否依然爱我?Tonight you're mine completely. You give your love so sweety . Tonight the light of line is in your eyes, but will you love me tomorrow?

但是现在,我只祈求自己能够平安无事,继续和你一起度过余生。因为,我想每天都能看到我的宝贝,都能感觉到我的宝贝。But now, I just wish nothing would ever happen to me so that I could continue my life, with you, because I want to see my sweety and feel my sweety.

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青州蜜桃系山东省青州市栽培历史悠久的地方名优特产,以味甜、肉细、晚熟、耐贮运而著称,是人们生活中不可多得的优质果品。The Qingzhou honey peach has a long history of cultivation in Qingzhou, Shandong Province, it is famous for its sweety taste, the delicate flesh, the late-maturing, and tolerance to storage.