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大师级的艺术。Master of Arts.

我是英语的主人。I am its master.

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陈师傅说。Master Chen said.

你是我的主人。You are my master.

再来看这位大师。Back to the master.

是的,乌龟大师。Yes, Master Oogway.

乌龟大师,等等。Master Oogway, wait.

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斯蒂芬·金是讲故事的大师。A master storyteller.

谢谢您,李师傅!Thank you, Master Li!

我们如何才能掌握?How do we master this?

想掌握一门新语言?Master a new language?

你们的主子是谁?。And who is your master?

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她是我的小主人。She's my little master.

大师无动于衷。The Master was unmoved.

犹如高洁的剑侠。As a noble sword master.

我能拜您为师吗?Could you be our master?

是小少爷么?Is a small young master?

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疯狗咬主人。Mad dog bites his master.

最后是师傅唐僧。Finally, master Tang Seng.

这是总开关。Here is the master switch.