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这个流氓是个好色之徒。The rascal is a randy man.

放开我,你这老色鬼!Let go, you randy old goat!

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兰迪为这封下流的信而勃然大怒。Randy was furious about the nasty letter.

喂,蓝迪,你肯把那家伙照顾好吗?。Hello, Randy. Is he going to be taken care of?

那由兰迪朋友史蒂夫。西伯特来作介绍。史蒂夫?。So to introduce Randy his friend Steve Seabolt. Steve?

这其中就包括兰蒂·纽曼,他这样唱到了他的家乡。That includes Randy Newman, who sings about his hometown.

他穿着一个长的蓝色工装裤,上面有一个名牌“Randy”。He wore long blue overalls with a nametag that read "Randy."

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他穿着长长的蓝色工作服,上面有一个名签儿,名签上写着“兰迪”。He wore long blue overalls with a nametag that read " Randy ."

兰迪聪慧,迷人,卡内基毕业的计算机学教授。Randy the brilliant, charming, Carnegie educated CS professor.

这座桥将被命名为兰迪?鲍什纪念桥。The bridge will be named the Randy Pausch Memorial Footbridge.

兰迪·科裘饰演托尔·罗德,敢死队员,爆破专家。Randy Couture as Toll Road, an Expendable and demolitions expert.

兰迪和塔拉刚刚看到他们小组报告的成绩。Randy and Tara have just seen their grade for their team project.

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最典型的一个例子就是兰迪·波许的最后一课。The classic example of this is now Randy Pausch in The Last Lecture.

德已宣布任命新的车队经理,兰迪派克。Tekin have announced the appointment of new team manager, Randy Pike.

塔拉和兰迪听说他们必须一起写一个科学课的报告。Tara and Randy learn they must do a project together for science class.

今天旅途演讲的主讲人你们都知道是兰迪。波许教授。Today's Journey's lecture as you all know is by Professor Randy Pausch.

而且除此以外,一个56岁的多莉还会像广告上那样风韵犹存吗?And besides, would the 56-year-old Dolly still be as randy as advertised?

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1999年,种植者兰迪.哈德森是第一个向中国出口山核桃的人。Grower Randy Hudson was one of the first to export to China, back in 1999.

不知兰迪会否明了那天他的所作所为对我来说意味了多少。I don't know if Randy will ever understand how much he did for me that day.

发送一个紧急的邮件,欧特迦蓝迪菲利普斯说乔丹是在一个糟糕的状态。Ortega sends an urgent email to Randy Phillips saying MJ is in a bad state.