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我希望空闲时种种花。I hope to take up floriculture with my leisure.

本发明属于花卉栽培方法领域。The invention belongs to the field of floriculture methods.

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它直属香港缤纷总公司管辖。It directly subordinates to the Hong Kong General Brighten Floriculture Co.

一个中国学生对种花感兴趣,他问了我们一个问题。We have a question from a Chinese student who is interested in floriculture.

将它稍微转一下,又会出现另一种花的图案。The pattern turning a little bit it once, appearing another floriculture again.

花卉产业是世界农业中惟一不受农产品配额限制的产业。The floriculture industry is the only kind among agricultural industries that is not restricted by quota.

缤纷种子公司是经营各种花卉种子的专业公司。Brighten Floriculture Co. , Ltd is a specialized company in production and selling of different varieties of flower seeds.

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在春满园的前提下,才有资格去搞一种或者几种花的优势培养。Under the spring premise of the full park, just entitle to to make a kind of perhaps several advantage of floriculture development.

如皋市雅致花艺发展有限公司成立于1998年,我们是一支具有行内经验的专业队伍。Rugao refined floriculture development Limited company was founded in 1998, we were one professional contingent which had in the line to experience.

浙江省花卉苗木产业在不断的发展过程中日益展现出自身的特色,成为我国重要的花卉苗木主产区之一。Zhejiang floriculture and nursery industry has formed its own features in the process of development, and grows into one of the main producing area.

缤纷园艺网罗世界各地鲜花植物,园艺器材,花艺用品,丝花乾花。Brighten Floriculture search wide range of flowers, plants, garden tools, florist supplies, artificial and dried flowers from all over the world for you.

由于花香宜人,花期较长,花色艳丽而在园艺花卉中占有重要的地位,在鲜切花市场中呈供不应求的趋势。Fragrance, long vase-life and wide color range make freesia a versatile floriculture crop. In cut flower market, the supply of freesia is unable to meet the demand.

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一个对花艺感兴趣的中国学生---王月,提了个问题,想知道美国人喜欢在他们的花园中种一些什么样的花。We have a question from a Chinese student who is interested in floriculture . Wang Yue wants to know what kinds of flowers Americans like to plant in their gardens.

园艺网提供全球范围内综合的园艺学与花艺产品与服务信息,供用户认知和使用。The Horticultural Web offers the most comprehensive growing resource to learn about and use new and exciting floriculture and horticulture products and services around the world.

文中依据世界和中国花卉产业生产、销售的背景,分析上海建设条件,探索必需解决的问题并提出若干对策措施。Introducing the background of floriculture of world and China, analyzing the conditions of setting up flower trade center in Shanghai and problems, some policies have been put forward.