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他似乎对环境一点也不在乎。He seems to ooze contempt for the environment.

我讲的是富有关怀的开场白。I'm talking about intros that ooze with concern.

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瞧,焦唇终于渗出软腻的细泥。See, from my dead lips the ooze exuding at last.

滴灌和渗灌系统一般也用于盆栽灌水。Drip or ooze systems are common for pot watering.

滴灌和渗灌系统一般也用于盆栽灌水。Drip or ooze systems are common for pot watering.

也许还会朝我喷墨水呢!And probably ooze some ink at me for disturbing it.

在结冰的软泥上面,我们的手脚打滑。Our feet skitter and our fingers slip on the icy ooze.

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展示出你的自信,他人也会因此而相信你。Ooze with self belief and others too will believe in you.

让人沮丧的是,血还在继续渗出,丝毫没有减弱。To her dismay, the blood continued to ooze out, unabated.

他把手伸进淤泥里捞摸,结果抓上来一只巨大的蟾蜍。He grabbed into the ooze and came up clutching a large toad.

墙内暗管渗漏出现污斑等。Dark leakage tubal ooze shows blotch to wait inside the wall.

这些不同类型的软泥水均属软泥阶段的浅变质水。The ooze water of these various types belongs to low metamorphic water.

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轻轻按一下右边的鼻孔,绿色的皂液马上就会滴下来。Simply push on the right nostril and your green gel will ooze right out.

不久后海洋软泥层开始在老的硬地层上堆积。Soon layer of oceanic ooze began to accumulate above the old hard layer.

它们很小,但是通常会让你觉得很痒,还一定会流出液体。They are usually small, but they are itchy and bound to ooze with fluid.

搜集沁州黄的赞词赞诗顺口溜民谣!Spicilegium ooze the yellow prefecture Ode word Zanshi doggerel folk rhyme!

糖尿病伴高渗昏迷或乳酸性酸中毒病人。DiabeticAccompany tall ooze insensible or acid of lactic acid sex is toxic patient.

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圣洁的池鹭站在水边的淤泥中若有所思。On the ooze at the water's edge stand the saintly-looking paddy birds in meditation.

钦州湾为一葫芦形海湾,为广西海岸带发育较好的淤泥质海岸。Qiazhou bay is a calabash-shaped sea bay, being well-developed ooze coast in Guangxi.

在他们窟窖的黑顶下面,他们将永远从社会潮湿的漏隙中生长出来。Beneath the obscure roof of their cavern, they are continually born again from the social ooze.