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我只要小杯黑咖啡,也要法国白兰地。I'll take just demitasse and also Cognac.

你想在咖啡之外再来一杯科尼亚克白兰地酒吗?。Would you like a cognac with your coffee?

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科格纳克带着白脖圈,打着紫缎蝴蝶结。Cognac wore a white collar and purple satin bow tie.

他给自己又倒了一大杯法国白兰地酒。He poured himself another generous measure of cognac.

他从酒桶里倒了些白兰地。He drew some cognac from the cask into a tin cannikin.

临睡之前喝点儿干邑是我们每天晚上的小习惯之一。A cognac before bed is one of our little nightly rituals.

拍卖正值中国干邑白兰地消费日益增长之际。The sale comes amid rising consumption of cognac in China.

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雪茄的烟雾缭绕,干邑是每个人飘飘然。The cigar smokes were rising up, the cognac got everyone high.

由于人们用它来盛白兰地酒,因而它也被叫做白兰地酒杯。It is used to serve cognac and is also known as a cognac glass.

最近这次拍卖会是中国首次干邑白兰地专场拍卖会。The auction last week was the first country's first devoted to cognac.

优质香槟干邑白兰地采用哪两个地区的白兰地勾兑而成?Fine Champagne cognac is made from a blend of brandies from what two regions?

她去柜台后面倒白兰地,顺手将音量调大了一些。On her way behind the counter to pour the cognac Tereza turned the volume up.

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这个人来到爱伦坡的墓前举起一杯白兰地祝酒。The individual proceeds to Poe's grave, where he or she raises a cognac toast.

然而老板快乐地倒了一杯本地产的干邑白兰地,问我要来一杯吗?He, however, was happily pouring down a bottle of local "cognac". Would I join him?

而且每年在1月19日他生日的这一天,人们都能看到一个身穿黑衣服的人出现,他的脸是蒙住的,这个人在爱德加.爱伦.波的坟墓上放一瓶法国白兰地和三束玫瑰花。His face is covered. He places a bottle of French cognac and three roses on the grave.

干邑是一个单一的房地产储备,从Frapins房地产300公顷。The Cognac is a single estate Réserve, coming from the 300 hectares of Frapins estate.

香,青香,醛香和带有康酿克和椰子的甜橙香气。Odor Characteristics—Waxy, green, aldehydic and orange with cognac and coconut nuances.

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香煎鹅肝,配月桂味炖生梨,香橙白兰地沙司。Pan-seared Goose Foie Gras, with a Pear Ragout Cinnamon flavored, and Orange Cognac sauce.

在离开前,祝酒人在墓上留下了三支玫瑰花和半瓶白兰地酒。Before departing, the Toaster leaves three red roses and a half-bottle of cognac on the grave.

干邑里面是数百种罕见的生命之水的争夺,混杂岩年龄为25-130年之间。The cognac inside is a mèlange of hundreds of rare eaux-de-vies, aged for between 25-130 years.