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为什么有人把像熊这样非常有用的生物跟枭杂交呢?Why would anyone crossbreed a perfectly serviceable bear with an owl?

小偃54是一个具有杂种优势、品质优良的小麦品种。Xiaoyan 54 wheat is of high quality and has an advantage of crossbreed.

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并利用该不育系试配了几个杂种优势明显的甘蓝杂交新组合。It has been used to developed several crossbreed with obvious heterosis.

第三种方法是介于第一和第二种方法之间的一种混合方法。The third approach is a crossbreed between the first and the second approach.

一头名叫阿道夫的德国杂交牧羊犬趴在它的狗窝里German shepherd crossbreed dog namedAdolf sits in his kennel in BerlinOctober 15, 2003.

随着生物尖端技术广泛利用在棉花杂交育种上,将促进棉花杂种优势利用。The heterosis will be abroad utilized as point biological technology used in cotton crossbreed.

迷你腊肠狗杂交看到穿着与2009年6月13日,日在东京的狗嘉年华的帽子。Miniature dachshund crossbreed dogs are seen dressed up with hats at a dog fiesta in Tokyo June 13 2009.

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这是因为会有很多普通蚊子和这些感觉不到避蚊胺的蚊子杂交。That's because there will still be enough regular mosquitoes to crossbreed with those that can't sense DEET.

利用小尾寒羊对萨福克羊的繁殖性能进行杂交改良是有效可行的。It was effective and feasible to crossbreed and improve the reproductive performance of Suffolk sheep by using small-tail Han sheep.

上世纪70年代以来锡林郭勒盟先后引进安格斯、利木赞、夏洛来、西门塔尔等肉牛品种改良蒙古牛。In 1970s , specialized beef cattle breeds such as Angus, Limousin, Charolais, Simmental were introduced to crossbreed the Mongolian cattle.

此外,本实验为基础性研究工作,可为以后柳树杂交育种和优良无性系的选育提供依据。In addition, the experimental work for basic research, for subsequent trees crossbreed fine asexual and provide the basis of the selection.

失窃的狗狗名叫邦塞,是一只七岁大的杂种狗。三周前牠在点东部被窃,牠的饲主是拉斯尔斯特朗德和老婆麦娜。The dog, named Bamse, is a seven-years-old crossbreed. It was stolen three weeks ago from its owners Maina and Lars Ullstrand in eastern Sweden.

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研究了级进杂交对不同代次的西杂犊牛体重和西杂母牛泌乳性能的影响。The upgrading effects on the weight of simmental crossbreed calves and the milk performance of the female simmental crossbreed cattle were in the paper.

没多久就看得出这只小德国杂种牧羊狗会长成一条大狗,大到不能再和特克斯及黄猫同享一间狗屋。It was soon obvious that the little German shepherd crossbreed would be a large dog --, too large to continue sharing a doghouse with Tex and the yellow cat.

槐山羊肌肉中的超氧化物岐化酶的活力显著高于波槐F1羊,丙二醛的含量低于波槐F1羊,但差异不显著。Compared to Crossbreed F1 goat between Boer and Huai, the level of SOD of Huai goat was significantly higher but the content of MDA was slightly lower in muscles.

因此,选择理想型的三代或二代杂种羊进行横交固定培育新品种的技术方案是可行的。Therefore, it is feasible to scheme of new breeding population of mutton sheep which crossing fixed was selected ideally the three- crossbreed or second- crossbreed.

萝卜杂种优势明显,自交不亲和是萝卜杂交优势利用的一种重要途径。The ascendent of crossbreed is very obvious in Raphanus sativus. self-incompatibility of Raphanus sativus is one of the important routes in ascendent of crossbreed using.

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这类地方种质的绝对产量不高,但其稳产性和在干旱贫瘠条件下的丰产性优于杂交种。Although this kinds of drought-resistance germplasm have a low absolute yield, their fertility and stability of yield under drought and infertile condition preceded crossbreed.

为了解肉兔对豫西地区各类野草的适口性,提高野草在养兔生产中的利用效果,本试验利用当地50种常见野草饲喂日本大耳白兔、哈白兔及二者杂种,观察肉兔对野草的适口性。In order to observe the rabbits taste to wild grasses that grow in west area of Henan province, we feed Japan White Rabbit, Ha White Rabbit, crossbreed of them with 50 species of grass.

但由于出现杂交不亲和、杂种不育、杂种不稔、杂种后代遗传变异复杂等问题,远缘杂交育种成功率不高。But because of cross-incompatibility, hybrid sterility, hybrid infertile and complexity of descendiblity and aberrance of crossbreed offspring etc, wide cross breeding has a low success rate.