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它是槭木做的。It's made of maple.

光秃秃的枫树丫枝。Maple branches bare.

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往枫树街开。Go down Maple Street.

枫红,晕染了湖水。Red Maple Lake, halo.

它有枫糖味。It's got maple flavor.

大得就像一根长长的枫木。As big as a log of maple.

我住在梅普尔街127号。I live at 127 Maple Street.

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秋天里枫叶满山红遍。A maple tree ablaze in autumn.

请给我两份枫糖鸭。Please give me two Maple Duck.

枫树披着华美的头巾。The maple wears a gayer scarf.

枫叶在秋天变红了。Maple trees turn red in autumn.

这是正宗枫糖。This is simon-pure maple sugar.

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上帝栽下了红彤彤的枫树。God planted a scarlet maple tree.

把豆沙和砂糖以及枫糖浆一起拌匀。Stir in the sugar and maple syrup.

在梅普尔街和B街的街角処。At the corner of Maple and B Street.

随好淋上枫糖浆。Drizzle with maple syrup if desired.

这秋枫到底是绿色还是红色呀?。Is the maple in Autumn green or red?

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枫叶又在他前面了。The maple leaf blew in front of him.

汤米和枫叶没有理他。Tommy and the maple leaf ignored him.

您喜欢加了枫糖浆的松饼吗?Do you like pancakes with maple syrup?