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我是旧金山人,同时也是全球社会的一员。I am both a San Franciscan and a citizen of a global society.

离我们不远的地方有古老的圣芳济会教堂,现在被称为格雷弗利尔斯教堂。Not too far from us we have the Old Franciscan Church, which is called the Grey Friars Church.

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美洲的第一所小学由圣芳济教会的修道士成立于1523年的墨西哥。The first elementary school in the Americas was set up in Mexico in 1523 by a Franciscan monk.

甚至之前他的时间,方济各和多米尼加电流已载列在不同的方向。Even before his time, the Franciscan and the Dominican currents had set out in divergent directions.

圣芳济教会中的西班牙人在加州定居下来,并开始酿造葡萄酒用于宗教仪式。Franciscan religious workers from Spain who settled the area made wine to use in religious services.

原为热那亚方济会修士,通过买卖圣职圣物和收取高额税收而使家庭和教廷国致富。A Franciscan from Genoa, he enriched his family and the Papal States through simony and heavy taxation.

这个基本的问题是最近的旧金山一个人在质疑自己。That's the essence of the question that one San Franciscan man recently took it upon himself to answer.

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本条例旨在为玛利亚方济各传教修会在香港的本地代表成立为法团而订定条文。To provide for the incorporation of the local representative in Hong Kong of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary.

1927年7月,一名医生和四名护士对她进行为期两周的一天24小时密切关注。In July 1927 a medical doctor and four Franciscan nurses kept a watch on her 24 hours a day for a two-week period.

该地区天主教传教活动的真正取得一定规模,则是始于教廷传信部意大利方济各会士的来甘传教。By the time of Kangxi s reign, Catholic missionary activity had been well established, and when the Franciscan monks.

当安琪十八岁时,藉著圣神的启迪,安琪与堂区内一位方济会的神父晤谈,不久后,她便决定「我要加入圣方济第三会」。When she was eighteen, following the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Angela spoke with A Franciscan priest at her parish.

和他自己的精美的方济各的精神,因为它是所谓的,通过到广泛的世界,成为一个奉公守法的灵感来源。And his own exquisite Franciscan spirit, as it is called, passing out into the wide world, became an abiding source of inspiration.

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圣路易斯-奥比斯波美国加利福尼亚西南部一城市,位于圣巴巴拉西北,1772年该地曾建成为一个方济各会教区。人口41,958。A city of southwest California northwest of Santa Barbara. A Franciscan mission was founded on the site in1772. Population, 41, 958.

肯特伯利的大教堂,是国际联合文教组织世界遗产之一。肯特伯利也有英国最古老的法兰西斯建筑。Canterbury has its Cathedral which is dedicated to the UNESCO World Heritage Site. And it preserves the oldest Franciscan building in Britain.

1294年方济各会士若望孟高维诺来到了大都并开始组织天主教团体。教宗格来孟五世于1307年委任他为总主教。The Franciscan John of Montecorvino arrived in Dadu in 1294 and established a catholic community. In 1307, Pope Clement V appointed him archbishop.

圣.巴特里克节是罗马天主教盛大的宗教日,以感谢17世纪济学者卢克.沃丁对基督教做的努力。St. Patrick's Day is celebrated as feast day by the Roman Catholic Church thanks to efforts of the Franciscan scholar Luke Waddin in the 17th century.

朱尼珀洛塞拉出生在一七一三年在马略卡岛,西班牙岛。后,他成了一个方济神父,他曾在马略卡岛的一家大学。Junipero Serra was born in seventeen thirteen on the island of Mallorca, Spain. After he became a Franciscan priest, he taught at a university in Mallorca.

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或许,假如某天我们能像圣方济和达尔文那样,不再漫不经心地漠视这些生物,而是把它们当作我们的亲人,我们就可以用不同的方式来对待它们。Perhaps if we once admit in Franciscan and Darwinian vein that the creatures we so insouciantly brush aside are our relatives, we would treat them differently.

这一时期,澳门主教区成立,天主教各大修会耶稣会、方济会、奥斯定会、多明我会等纷纷驻足澳门。At the time, the main parish was founded in Macao and the Society of Jesus, the Franciscan Order, the Agostinho Order and Dominican Order came to Macao in succession.

最早1770年建于弗朗西斯科教区附近,1774年到1846年的大部分时期中它是西班牙的殖民地首府,1846年被美国海军占领。First settled in 1770 around a Franciscan mission, Monterey was a Spanish colonial capital for much of the time from 1774 to 1846, when it was taken by U. S. naval forces.