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博伊斯的日出。Boise Sunrise.

旭日染红了天空。Sunrise dyed the sky red.

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那天他在日出以前就起来了。That day he was up before sunrise.

一份简单的爱情,日出而作,日落而息。A simple love, sunrise and sundown.

这张照片是中国桂林阳朔漓江岸边的日出。Sunrise in Yangshuo, Guilin, China.

我们早起观看了日出。We got up early to behold the sunrise.

日落可与日出媲美。The sunset rivals the sunrise in beauty.

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旅游业是永恒的朝阳产业。Tourism is an enduring sunrise industry.

我们从白天到晚上都努力工作。We worked hard , from sunrise to sunset.

因为,我不想错过明晨的太阳。Because I wouldn't miss the next sunrise.

她的眼睛凝视着美丽的日出景象。Her eyes dwelled on the beautiful sunrise.

太阳出来之前探险队就出发了。The expedition started out before sunrise.

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海上日出是百看不厌的美景。Never get tired of the beauty of sunrise at sea.

日出的美景难以描述。The beauty of the sunrise is beyond description.

九月日出与冷山山峰交汇。A September sunrise greets Mount Colden's summit.

奋进号最后一次在发射台上迎来的第一缕阳光。Endeavour's last first sunrise at the launch pad.

东海岸的日出是一道特别的景观。Sunrise eon the eastern coast is a special event.

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日出的美景真令人心旷神怡。The beauty of the sunrise is really breathtaking.

若耶赞能活着看到明天的阳光,我绝对大吃一惊。If Yezzan lives to see the sunrise I'll be stunned.

天地无终极,人命若朝霞。——曹植。If no ultimate heaven and earth, of life at sunrise.