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我可以打扫的。I can clean.

箭杆插在它的前胸上,一记干净利落的击杀。A clean kill.

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洗净你的盘子。Clean your plate.

清理你的橱柜。Clean Your Closets.

清理你的冰箱。Clean your freezer.

泡绵无尘切割。The foam clean cut.

你今天打扫了吗?Did you clean today?

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清理掉干衣机的棉絮。Clean out dryer lint.

我绝对是干净的。I’m absolutely clean.

我的老爸是一个很讲卫生的人。My Dad is very clean.

这个老人干干净净。This old man is clean.

轮廓整洁,象狐狸。Clean cut and fox-like.

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整理你的衣橱。Clean out your closets.

水有多干净呢?How clean is the water?

我可以为你洗牙。I can clean your teeth.

那人逃得无影无踪。The man got clean away.

毛织品必须是干净的。The wool must be clean.

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常清洗、保持清洁。Wash often. Keep clean.

清洁抽油烟机。Clean smoke fan filters.

他早就忘得没影儿了。He's clean forgotten it.