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帽子拐杖也跳起舞来.The hat and crutch are also dancing.

他的一条腿跛了,走路借助于拐杖。He is lame so he walks with a crutch.

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我爱你好比乞丐需要拐棍。I love you as much as a beggar needs a crutch.

不过你恐怕得撑一个星期的拐杖才行。But I am afraid you have touse crutch fora week.

Bannana所在地举行了一个老拄着拐杖的娘娘腔吧。Bannana seat is held up by an old crutch as the sissy-bar.

时光的拐杖比大力士赫克琉斯的铁棒还要管用。Time's crutch effects more than the iron club of Hercules.

对于低薪工人,信用已成为生命支柱。For low-wage workers, credit has been the lifesaving crutch.

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当你知道自己不再需要酒精给自己壮胆的时候,你就可以喝酒。But drink when you don’t actually need it as a crutch anymore.

因为人类有限的记忆能力,这只是方便记忆的帮助而已。It's a convenient crutch for you, the human with limited brain capacity.

最后,停止使用复制粘贴,保持代码干净,提高可重用性。Finally, breaking the crutch of copying and pasting lets you keep your code clean.

橡胶拐杖头磨穿后应及时更换,并保持干燥。Rubber crutch tips should be replaced as they wear out, and they should remain dry.

目的探讨腋拐支脚耐磨性能质量的检验方法与判定指标。Objective To study the method of testing abrasion resistance of axillary crutch tips.

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他左腿从膝盖处锯掉,左肩下拄着一根拐杖。His left leg was cut off above the knee and he walked with a crutch under his left shoulder.

当时那个国家住着一个穷人,他一个眼睛戴着眼罩并靠拐杖走路。in that land,there lived a poor man with a patch over one eye and a crutch to help him walk.

一个具备丰富词汇的人是不需要粗俗的语言来帮忙的。A person with a great store of words to use does not need to rely on vulgar language as a crutch.

“积极思维”不可能被有效地当做一个补丁或拐杖用于旧的自我心象上。"Positive thinking" cannot be used effectively as a patch or a crutch to the same old self-image.

我不认为当时有人知道这中间发生了什么,不过把我的“助手”找了回来,还是很令人感到安慰的。I don’t think anyone knew the difference at the time, but it was reassuring to get my crutch back.

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对于许多人来说,静态类型也是一种依赖,这和雪橇上的束带没有什么区别。It turns out that for many, static typing is a crutch that's no different from that ski restraint.

当时那个国家住着一个穷人,他一个眼睛戴着眼罩并靠拐杖走路。Then in that land, there lived a poor man with a patch over one eye and a crutch to help him walk.

应该将这当作一根临时需要的拐杖,但最后一定可以摆脱它。You should treat this as a crutch — necessary, but something you want to do without in the long run.